Chapter 13 : The Plan

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I came home fake crying .
Lisa : What happened ?!
Jisoo : Did Jennie hurt you !
Rosé : If she did she's dead !
I go inside and stop crying.
Jisoo : Wait were you fake crying ?
Y/N : Ya I'll tell you why.
Lisa : Explain.
Y/N : So Jennie kissed Kai.
Jisoo : Excuse me she's dead .
She starts to walk to the door.
Y/N: Wait wait . It's not her fault.
She walks back .
Jisoo : Ok explain.
Y/N : So Kai forced her to kiss him , I have video .
I show her the video of Kai turning Jennie and kissing her.
Rosé : That piece of trash !
Y/N : When she comes in, act angry at the door but not inside . Basically Fool Kai.
Jisoo : Ok what are thinking of ?
Y/N : Partially ruin his reputation.
Lisa : So explain.
Y/N : Wait till Jennie and Somi come.
Rosé : Somi?
Y/N : Yes Somi.
Jennie and Somi comes to the door.
Jisoo : What are you doing here ?
Jennie : I have some explaining to do .
Jisoo : Ok get in .
The come in and Jisoo closes the door.
Jennie : Ok what have you got planned ?
Y/N : So Somi got some dirt on Kai.
Jennie : Wait what ?!
Y/N : So we send anonymously the school info that proves he cheated on a Magic exam this year and if that doesn't ruin him , we have more dirt.
Jennie : After that ?
Y/N : I do the same thing I do the same I did to Nancy.
Jennie : Ow I see that's why the magic exam .
Y/N : Ya.
Somi : This is why she said partially ruin his reputation because he is a elite .
Rosé : But he is lower class elite .
Somi : But he still needs a life after this .
Y/N : We don't want to ruin his life .
Lisa : Your being too nice .
Y/N : Maybe he'll change.
Jisoo : Ok fine if this was me I would ruin him.
Lisa : I know right.
Somi : Tomorrow we send the info to the school . Also Jennie you have talk to Kai in the evening.
Jennie : And what do I say ?
Somi : You seem angry at him.

In the evening
Jennie POV
I'm going to meet Kai in the garden.
Jennie : Hello jerk.
Kai : Hi cutie wanna go to the café ?
Jennie : Why the hell would I .
Kai : Well why not 😏
Jennie : Nope.
Kai : Ok why are you talking to me ?
Jennie : Ok why did kiss me ?
Kai : Why Not 😏
Jennie : You will regret this .
Kai : *scof ha.
I leave

Ha when will you realise that I will win you over.

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