Chapter 14 : The End

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The Next day
At the dorm with BP and Somi
Jisoo : So how do we send the info ?
Somi : We send a email from a anonymous account to the school.
Rosé : So we only send the magic exam info right .
Y/N : Yes.
Lisa : Ok I can't wait to see what happens with him !
Jennie : I think we all want to see what happens.
Jisoo : Ya.
Somi : Should we send it ?
Y/N : Yess.
Somi : Ok
Somi takes out her computer and opens an anonymous account and then we discussed what to write in the email . Then we sent it.
Somi : Sent.
Y/N : Ya , Now we wait a day for something to happen.
Jisoo : Ok

The Next day
In Class
So we are in magic class and then on the speaker says
Speaker : Kai please come to the principal office.
I hold my smile and laugh. The rest of the class was not that surprised because everyone knows he's shady. Kai gets up and goes to leave.
Kai : Ha I'm probably getting something great .
Then he leaves
Student 1 : He's getting in trouble right.
Student 2 : Ya probably.
Teacher : Let's see what happens.
He does not come back until after class . Turns out he has to redo the magic exam. And the entire school figured out about it . I love this

In the park
Kai : Hi Jennie
Jennie: Hello person who cheats on magic exams and is from the magic Kingdom.
Kai : It was one exam
Jennie: There's probably more from where that came from.
Kai : No
Jennie : really
Kai : Yes
Jennie : Ha, why did you kiss me like why did you force me to kiss you
Kai : Cause why not
Then a video starts playing on a projector in the garden. It is the video of what happened when Jennie and Kai kissed. And then I notice that Y/N is in the garden shit I'm toast.

A/N Note : There are a lot of people in the park

I come into the park to get ready to magic zap Kai. The video stops playing because it's over
Y/N : Ow so that's what happened Kai
Y/N : Well should I show you a spell you that you can't do
Then I start a control some water then take off the leaves off some of the trees
Kai : Look I really sorry it was wrong but I really want Jennie
Then I make a tornado around him . I wait till he is dizzy .
Kai : Wah waas that for
Y/N : Just so you remember to not mess with royals
Kai : Ha why
Y/N : I know a lot Kai I would warn not to mess with us
Kai : Really
Y/N : Yes be careful
Then we leave ie BP and me

3 weeks later
So today is our graduation. Kai has to do summer school and cannot attend graduation. Ha sucks to be him.

I was with Jennie in the café .
Jennie : You know how weird it is to think that we are graduating from this school.
Y/N : I know I can't remember a time before this school
Jennie: Same , one of my first memories out the school was when we met our parents to the first time in years
Y/N : Ya same
Jennie : If your not going to college here then this is our last time in this café
Y/N : I know I am probably going to this college
Jennie : Ya same I think we both should get going to get ready for graduation
Y/N : Ya
We leave then I trip on stone. Jennie grabs me before I fall. She helps me stand.
Jennie: Why are you so clumsy cutie
She pats my head
Y/N: I don't know
Jennie : Ok clumsy head
She chubs my cheeks
Y/N : Stop (≧▽≦)
Jennie : Never <( ̄︶ ̄)>
We get to my dorm
Jennie : Bye I don't be nervous ok clumsy head
Y/N : Biiii
After we get ready
Jisoo : Everyone ready
Everyone expect Jisoo : Yes
Jisoo : Ok let's go
We go down where the graduation happens
I see my parents and wave.
I went to sit . I sat next to Jennie and the rest of BP.
The graduation finishes and we go back to our dorms and since we are tried we change and go to sleep.
The next day
We all start packing to leave
Lisa : I'm going to miss this home
She starts tearing up
Jisoo : We all will miss this dorm block B dorm 22
We all start tearing up
Y/N : We should take pictures of this place to remember it before we pack (I say tearfully)
Rosé : Yes (She is also in tears)
We take pictures of the dorm
Lisa : Should we leave a note for the girls who come to live in this dorm .
Rosé : But they will be 5 year olds
Y/N : Hey do you remember we were left a audio recording. It had some good advice .
Lisa : Ya whenever ever I need advice to survive this school I just listen to the tape
Y/N : Ya
Jisoo : Let's do it
We make the tape
Y/N : I think we have good advice
Jisoo : Ya
Lisa & Rosé : Agreed
We finish packing the living room and divide who takes what .
Lisa : Remember this picture
Rosé : Ow ya that I from our first prom
Jisoo : 8th grade right
Y/N : Ya
Lisa : We look so young
Jisoo: Y/N looks like a baby
Rosé : Yes
Y/N : Stop it
Jisoo : Never
Y/N : The living room looks so empty , the TV is the school's right
Lisa : Ya
Jisoo : We leave the furniture to the next girls who will live here right .
Y/N : Yes because do we need them
Rosé : We don't
Jisoo : Ya and think we have good taste so hopefully the girls who come here to like it
Y/N : Yes
Rosé : OMG remember this picture is from the first time Jennie in this dorm .
Y/N : Yes omg I'm taking that
Rosé : ok
Lisa : Look at Jennie and Y/N they look so cute.
Jisoo : Yes
Y/N : Ok I can agree with that
Lisa : Me and Rosé called their relationship.
Rosé : Yasss
Jisoo : Ok romance lovers expect Y/N we are all single Pringles.
Y/N : Yes Jisoo you all are single
Lisa : Jisoo was the one who told us to stop imagining couples.
Rosé : Ya
Lisa : Looks like one our came true
Rosé : Yes
Y/N : But you do that a lot
Rosé : But we were correct
Jisoo : I'll give you that .
By this time we had packed the kitchen and decided to leave most of the stuff for the newcomers . Like our seniors did.
Rosé : Jisoo I'm going to miss your cooking
Y/N : Yes
Lisa. We are going to miss it a lot
Jisoo : Ok next time you come to my kingdom I'll make something ok
Y/N : Yes please
Lisa & Rosé : Yes
We pack our rooms and come in the living room
Lisa : Look at this place it looks empty
The audio tape was on the table .
We all start to cry because we're emotional. (A/N Note : lol)
Jisoo : Stop crying, this place has so many memories. That will forever be in our heart.
Rosé : Yes it will
Y/N : A special place
Lisa : Very special place
Jisoo : This place is empty for a new group of 4 to 5 girls to make new memories here .
Rosé : Yes to the new girls
Everyone expect Rosé : To the new girls
They were holding glasses with pink lemonade. Then they drink it.
They leave the dorm after packing and putting the last in their small trucks. They leave the dorms for the last time .
At the door
Everyone : Goodbye block B dorm 22
Y/N : Thank you for the memories.
Everyone expect Y/N : Yes thank you
They go to the elevator .
Y/N : I can't believe it's over
Jisoo : It happened so fast
Lisa : Ya I never thought we would be here
Y//N : Same
Rosé : This is the end of one chapter of our life and the start of a new one.
Jisoo : Yes well said
They leave for their cars and say bye to each other.
At the castle
At the dining table for dinner
Mom : How was it packing
Y/N : It's was emotional
Dad : At Least now the castle is your permanent residence
Mom : Ya it's was also emotional for me
Y/N : You and dad didn't meet at school right
Mom : No, even if we went to the same school we never meet .
Y/N : You meet at a charity event right
Dad : Right your mom looked gorgeous there
Mom : Stop it.
After dinner at my room
Y/N : Hi Erika
Erika : Welcome home !
Y/N :Yes home
We chatted for a bit and she told me tomorrow's schedule and left. I went to sleep. The next day we had a grand dinner with the elites. Kai was not there because of summer school and the school figured out a lot about him just because of the magic exam thing. The exam was like a loose straw that unraveled a lot about him. We didn't say anything else it was the school that just did more digging into him. That was amazing even though we guessed that would happen to him.
A few months later
So I did decide to go to the Aura Academy College. It is amazing. I'm taking a degree in economics and management. Me and Jennie are still together. Jennie comes here sometimes and I go there sometimes . We live in the dorms in the school and ya I live with the same people I stayed with for basically my entire life. And Kai did graduate.

A/N Note : Hiii so this is the last chapter I will be uploading a bonus chapter. Thank you so much for all the support .(≧▽≦). I really dont know what to say I didn't expect anyone will read this and I just saw it has 90 reads . Like thank you so much for all the support. If I make another book I'll put a update in this book. Here's a virtual hug ⊂((・▽・))⊃. Thank you again.

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