Bonus Chapter

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Ten years later

So me and Jennie finished college. I did a degree in law because it would help in being a queen. Me and Jennie got married 2 years ago . She proposed to me on Valentine's day.

So today is valentine's day and Jennie says that she has a surprise also she was living with me for this week. I'm so excited to see what the surprise is .
Jennie : Are you ready
Y/N : Ya
Your outfit:

Jennie : Are you ready Y/N : YaYour outfit:

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Jennie : Ok let's go
We leave to the place .
In the car
Y/N : So where are we going
Jennie: it's a surprise why should I tell you then it won't be a surprise
Y/N : Buuuutttt...
Jennie : No I'm not telling you
Y/N : Awww... pls
Jennie : Ok we are almost here so I want you to where this blind fold
Y/N : Noo I won't (Says in a baby voice )
Jennie : No you will
Then she takes the blind fold and puts it on you . Then you put your head on her shoulder and hug her .
Y/N : Now will you tell me where are we going
Jennie: No
Y/N : :-(
We come out of the car and Jennie walks me to somewhere. Then stops me . Then she removes my blind fold .
There was a beautiful dinner and canopy on the beach
Y/N : OMG this is so pretty Jennie.
Jennie : Thank you I had a little help
Y/N : From who ?
Jennie: Erika
Y/N : Ow ok . She knows I would love this
We walk near the table .
Jennie : Before we sit and eat I would like to say something .
Y/N : Ok
Jennie : So you know how much i love you right.
Y/N : Yes...
Jennie : (Gives a small speech) I would love to spend my entire life with you. Will you marry me?(Pulls out a ring)
Y/N : (I was crying at this point)Yes I will
Your ring :

 Will you marry me?(Pulls out a ring)Y/N : (I was crying at this point)Yes I willYour ring :

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Then suddenly Erika and the rest of BP came out of nowhere.
Erika: She said yes
RoséJisooLisa : Yay!
Rosé : Yes I knew these two would get married.
They hug me and Jennie and we all have dinner.
Y/N : Will you ever tell how you make your sandwiches Jisoo.
Jisoo : No never
Y/N : :-(
We ate dinner and chatted a lot

We got married last year. This year mom and dad retired from being king and queen consort. Now I'm Queen .We adopted a little girl named Lilly . She is adorable. She is now 2 years old. We are going to send her to Aura Academy but now Aura Academy has changed its rules to allow them to know their background and they are allowed to go home during the breaks.

Lilly : Mommy , other Mommy is calling you .

Y/N : Ok

I go and meet Jennie and Lilly goes to her room

Y/N : So why did you call me.

Jennie : Am I not allowed to call my wife .

Y/N : No you are who every said that

I hug her.

Jennie : I just wanted to walk around the park like the old days

Y/N : Ok

We walk around the park and chat


So I heard Jennie and Y/N got married and I was happy for them . Now I have a girlfriend which I love . We actually met Y/N and Jennie. We met them at a dinner with the rest of the elite. They were nice to us.


So after we walk we have dinner with Lilly.

Lilly : When are Jisoo , Rosé and Lisa aunty and Jisoo's kids coming over.

Y/N : Well they are busy.

Lilly : But I want to meet them again!@

Jennie : I We will meet them soon ok

Lilly : Yay!!!

After we finish dinner . Me and Jennie go to our room. We go to our bed. I lay my head on Jennie's lap.

Jennie : Your tired

Y/N : Yes

Jennie : What do you have tomorrow

Y/N : A Parliament session

Then I fell asleep

Jennie : Aw she looks adorable

Then she puts me on my pillow and she goes to sleep herself.

Then she puts me on my pillow and she goes to sleep herself

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A/N Note: Thank you so much for all the support. Thank you again . Also sorry for publishing and unpublishing this chapter.

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