Chapter 5

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I woke up to Ben shouting my name. I opened the curtain of my bunk to see him standing in a pair of black boxers and water running down his body. He was just out of the shower. "Are you trying to be attractive?" I asked as I looked him up and down. "Is it working?" he said as he raised his eyebrows. "You're always attractive" I said as I blushed and pulled the curtain so it was closed. It suddenly flew open. I turned to see Ben. I leaned over to him as he kissed me. I pushed myself back to the other side of the bed. "You're freezing!" I shouted as he laughed and climbed in my bunk. "In here's warm" he said as he climbed under the quilt, closed the curtain and wrapped his arms around me.

He looked me in the eyes before biting his lip and kissing me. As he kissed me his hands travelled down my side and up my top to hold my bare hips. My hands were around his neck but travelled up as my hands ran through his hair. He soon travelled down my cheek to my neck. He kissed it and left the occasional love bite whilst holding my sides. I let out a moan before he came back up to my lips and pulled away. "Ben!" Cam shouted. Ben looked down at me and bit his lips "We can finish this when the guys are away..." he said before kissing me and jumping out of my bunk.

I leaped out of my bunk and threw on a black vest top, a pair of Bens AA sweatpants and his AA hoodie. I walked to the lounge to see Ben standing at the bus door having a cigarette and everyone on the sofas apart from Danny... I looked around until I spotted him. He was lying on the kitchen units. Hung-over I guess. "Danny!" I shouted as he bounced up. "Don't, I'm dying." He moaned. I turned to see Elisa looking at me. "Sweatpants Lyle... Really?" she asked as she raised her eyebrows and inspected what I was wearing. "Yeah, they're mine!" Ben shouted. I turned to see him popping his head in the bus as soon as my eyes locked onto his he winked. I blushed and looked away.

I walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and a bottle of sweet tea for Elisa. I walked over and gave her the sweet tea as I cracked open my bottle of water I took one sip of the slushy water before Ben took it off me and stole a sip. He gave me it back before kissing my cheek and walking away. I looked around me to notice that no one was looking. I breathed a sigh of relief before walking over to Cam and Sam. I had a plan.

I whispered the plan to them and now we were set. I walked over to Danny with them. I nodded at them once they were in place. They knew what to do. Both of them pinned Danny down as I poured the water over him. Maybe it would wake him up. Once the last drop of water was poured, Cam, Sam and I knew what to do. Run. We all kept running as Danny chased after us. We ran as fast as we could but guess who got caught. Danny swiftly picked me up and carried me to the bus as Sam and Cam had a fit of laughter walking behind us.

He dropped me on the sofa as James and Elisa burst out laughing. "I swear if we ever broke the law none of us would get caught... Apart from you, you silly bastard" James said as he shook his head. "I'd fucking trip you up, at least I won't fuck up on the drums when I have to play for you" I cheekily replied as he stuck his middle finger up and laughed. I sat and leaned my head back as Danny walked past and threw a towel at me. "Little bastard" he said with a smile on his face showing he wasn't serious.

We sat and watched TV and laughed until it was four o'clock, time to set up. I walked to the venue and set up the merch stand before walking through to see the guys having a tech check. I walked up onto the stage with Elisa as Ben was singing Shake it out. He started singing "Regrets collect like old friends. Here to relive your darkest moments. I can see no way, I can see no way. And all of the ghouls come out to play. And every demon wants his pound of flesh. And I like to keep some things to myself and I like to keep my issues drawn. It's always darkest before the dawn"

I stood with Elisa who was basically melting at the word flesh. It started to go silent as Ben had played all that he had to and was satisfied that everything was working well. I kept singing thinking that no one would notice "And I've been a fool and I've been blind and I can never leave the past behind. I can see no way, I can see no way and I'm always dragging that horse around." I sang before noticing that Ben had started playing the guitar again. Ben started singing again as I joined in "Our love is pastured, such a mournful sound. Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground. So I like to keep my issues drawn. But it's always darkest before the dawn" Ben looked at me and smiled before we all started to sing the chorus.

Someone, Somewhere // Ben BruceWhere stories live. Discover now