Chapter 7

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I opened my eyes and seen Ben sleeping. I leaned over and kissed his cheek, a small smile grew on his face. I climbed over him and grabbed my clothes, leaving him cuddled up in the blanket. I opened the door slightly and glanced out to see no one was there. I ran into the bathroom and had a shower. I walked out of the shower and dried my body before rubbing my hair with the towel just leaving it damp.

I walked to my case and grabbed new underwear, a pair of denim shorts and an Of Mice and Men shirt. I turned and jumped out of my skin from the sight I seen. "Where the fuck did you come from?!" I screamed at Elisa. "Six in the morning shower of shame hun?" she asked as she raised her eyebrow and leaned against the wall. "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not ashamed" I said as I shook my head acting like I didn't know what she was on about. "Really, Lyle? Really?" she questioned as she opened the back lounge door to reveal Ben lying sleeping. I shrugged as I acted dumb. "What are those on your neck?" Elisa asked as she smirked. I pushed her out of the way of the bathroom door and said "They're not as bad as your burst lip hun!" as I shut the door on her.

I put on my clothes before walking to the back lounge and sitting next to Ben. "Ben" I whispered trying to wake him up. "Benjamin" I whispered a little louder. "BEN" I shouted. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down so I was lying next to him "Shhh, go to sleep!" he moaned. "Ben, its half six and people are getting up so get your ass up now!" I shouted as I stood up. I walked to his clothes and threw them at him. "I can't wear the same clothes!" he moaned. I stood and drew him daggers as he sat up and smirked at me. I walked to his case and grabbed his hoodie and AA shorts and threw them in the lounge door before walking away.

I sat on the sofa with Elisa and James since Danny, Sam and Cam were still in their bed and I don't have a clue what Ben was doing, probably still struggling to get up. I went to the fridge and got a cola and turned back to look at James and Elisa, both of them were looking at me like a puppy waiting on a treat. "Fuck off" I shouted as I flipped them off. "Please!" James said in a baby voice as Elisa pouted. "What do yous want?" I asked as I knew either way I wasn't going to win. "McDonalds" Elisa said as I drew her daggers. "Are you fucking joking me!" I shouted. Both of them looked at me with a blank expression. "James go and ask the guys what they want. Write it down!" I ordered as Ben shouted "That'll be hard, he can't fucking write!" We all burst out laughing as James flipped him off and walked away and asked all of the guys and got the order.

After I got the order I climbed off the bus. I started walking to the McDonalds that was luckily just around the corner from the bus park. As I was walking a black flash flew past me. I looked to see Ben walking in front of me laughing "And what the fuck do you think you are doing?" I asked as he stopped walking and I caught up with him. "I thought you would need a friend to walk with!" he said as he put his arm around me. "Aww you lil cutie!" I said as I smiled and kissed his cheek.

We walked in McDonalds. Luckily it was empty. We stood at the counter and gave the employee the list, it was quicker that way. "What are you wearing!" I shouted as I looked him up and down. He was wearing vans, AA shorts and an AA hoodie. "Nothing really" he answered as he giggled. "Seriously!?" I asked as I shook my head and laughed. He stood in front of me so no one would see him and he took down the zip on his hoodie a little to show his bare chest, he wasn't even wearing a top and it was winter! "You're a fucking idiot Benjamin!" I said before I kissed him he looked down at me as I looked up at him and smiled. "Your order" the employee shouted as I pushed Ben away and gave him the bag as I paid for the food.

We started walking back to the bus. Once we were half way back we decided to have a race. "On the count of three" Ben said as I nodded and we both got ready to run "One, Two..." he said as I started running. I wasn't waiting until three, I wanted to win. I ran as fast as I could until I noticed everyone sitting outside. I turned to see where Ben was but I couldn't see him. I stood and looked around trying to see where he was. Soon a flash ran past me. Again. I turned to see Ben reaching the guys and sprinting on the bus.

I ran to the bus to see Ben getting everything out of the bags and handing them to everyone. I stood waiting on him to pass me mine since he was hogging the bag. I looked at him as he walked away with his pancakes. I looked in the bag to see nothing was there. That's when I noticed Ben had two trays. I ran over and tried to get them but he kept putting them just out of reach. "Benjamin" I moaned as I tried to get them and everyone laughed. After a couple of minutes of trying I gave up and sat down in the huff drawing anyone that moved daggers. "I'm hungry" I moaned in a baby voice before hitting Bens arm. "Here you go!" Ben said as he passed me the pancakes and I kissed his cheek. I was never so happy to get food in my life

Soon it was time for the guys to get ready. At this venue there wasn't an area for merch so Elisa and I went backstage and sat as the guys got set up. All of them had put on skinny jeans and a band top apart from Danny. Danny always wore unusual and strange clothes but that was just Danny. I sat on the floor in one of the corners with Elisa, Ben and James thought this would be a good time to annoy us. They walked over and started singing Not the American Average as I cringed and covered my face and Elisa tried to hide behind me whilst pissing herself laughing.

I sat and shook my head once they had finished as Elisa piped up "Is that what happened last night?" I looked at her and drew her daggers as Ben burst out laughing. "What the fuck happened last night?" James asked as he looked at all of us who turned to him and shook my head. "Nothing James... Nothing..." He looked at all of us confused as Ben and I looked at him waiting on him to realise what we were on about... Yet again it's James...

We sat as all of the guys got ready to go on stage. I stood up to get Elisa and I water as James walked on stage and the rest of the guys started to follow. As I burled around to walk back with the water Ben was standing behind me. He kissed me before he walked on stage.

I sat with Elisa and drank most of the water and she started drinking a tin of beer. I sat and listened as everything went quiet. Danny started announcing that it was time for Ben to perform Someone, Somewhere. I looked at the band entrance as Ben walked through and pulled me on to my feet and carried me on stage so I had no choice. I stood and sang it with him. I watched the crowd as they watched us in awe. Every now and then I would catch Ben glancing over at me and smiling as he sang. I always looked at him and smiled before blushing madly at how cute he was. After we finished he walked over to me and held my hand as he made me take a bow. I looked at him and laughed before he pulled me into a tight hug and kissed me before we walked off the stage.

We all got back onto the bus and sat in the lounge as Danny wanted to talk to the guys about the shows. I stood up and took Elisas hand before dragging her to the bunks. Once we were there we searched through all the cases until we tried to found comfortable pjs. Elisa grabbed the comfiest pair before me. I hit her before trying to steal them off her as she ran to the bathroom to get changed. I stood and looked through all the cases until I found something I could wear, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

I got changed into a pair of boxers and then grabbed Bens Pink Floyd top and put it on. This was the comfiest thing I've ever worn. I walked to the lounge to see Ben and James weren't there. Elisa and I looked at each other before a pair of hands covered my eyes. "Ben!" I shouted as he guided me to the back lounge. He took away his hands to reveal the back lounge had been made into a movie night area. It was dark and I could see that the huge couch was covered in blankets and pillows. There was bowls of crisps and popcorn and loads of bars of chocolate and packets of sweets. I turned and kissed Ben as I ran and dived onto the couch. He walked over and sat next to me as Elisa and James sat on the other side of the room. I looked at the huge TV to see that American Horror Story was on. I sat and cuddled into Bens chest as he kissed my head and wrapped his arms around me. Tonight was going to be a relaxing one. Hopefully there will be many more nights like this to come but yet again my life is never that easy...

Someone, Somewhere // Ben BruceWhere stories live. Discover now