Chapter 17

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We walked back as Elisa bombarded me with questions. "What do you mean you're leaving?" Elisa asked repeatedly as I ignored her. She kept asking and asking. She wasn't going to give up. She knew exactly what my answer was going to be but I think she didn't want to believe it. She realised that she wasn't going to get her answer so she grabbed me and stood in front of me so I couldn't ignore her anymore.

"LYLE! Stop ignoring me! What do you mean when you say you are leaving?" she asked in a calm yet frustrated voice. "Exactly what I said, I'm leaving, the first chance I get." I snapped. I tried to walk past her and walk away but like a flash she was in front of me again. She stood in front of me, looking at me. The more she looked at me the more I noticed her crumbling.

"Lyle, I don't want you to go. You're my friend. Actually you're my best friend. No, you're my sister. You are the only family I have out here. You are the reason I am here. When we lived in Scotland you kept me alive and I love you for it. I was going to give up but I'm glad you didn't let me. I just wish I had noticed how low you were. But you are so much better now and I'm so happy for you. Ben wasn't the right guy but that doesn't mean you need to leave. I need you, more than anything! Please don't leave!" She spilled out as she burst out crying.

"I need to" was all I was able to answer before I walked away. As I walked away Elisa hugged James as she was sobbing. 'I kept walking. I didn't want to look back as I knew I would break down and start sobbing and I needed to act strong even though deep down I was falling apart.

We walked back to the house. Well, I stormed in front as Elisa was talking to James about how I can't leave. As soon as we reached the house I ran inside and up the stairs to my room. I sat on the bed and broke down. I was leaving the life I always wanted but I can't stay here, it would kill me if I did.

I eventually sank down on the bed after I had stopped crying. I stared at the ceiling as my phone buzzed. I eventually pushed my lifeless and numb body up to check it, 150 notifications. Wow. I scrolled down before I unlocked my phone. It was filled with the guys asking if I was okay and Ben sending messages and trying to phone me.

I went on the messages there were multiple "Are you okay?" messages from the guys and one from Sam asking me to tell James that it was band practice tomorrow. After I had checked all of theirs I went on the dreaded ones. Bens. I scrolled through. He was trying to explain so desperately and asking if I was okay. I stayed strong until I noticed the last message that contained a voicemail. I pushed play as I sat on the bed and listened to it.

"Lyle, you have to believe me. I didn't cheat on you. Sam isn't pregnant. She is lying. I promise you I did not have sex with her. I would never ever do that. I love you far too much to ever do that. All the time that I was on tour with you and I was married to Sam who did I love? And who did I want to be with so desperately? You. So why would I ever go back to Sam? The answer is that I wouldn't. You mean so much to me and I would never hurt you and this has ripped my heart out. All I want to do is prove to you that this is wrong and hug you and never let you go. You are the one that I am madly in love with and living without you would be torture. You are my soulmate and I will NEVER find anyone like you. I love you so much and I CAN'T live without you. I NEED you. So does Marley. When I saw Sam I knew she was there to wreck our lives with a stupid lie and my future died as soon as you left in that taxi and gave me the locket. I know that she won't give birth to that "baby" because there is none because NOTHING happened. Lyle I know you're not going to listen and I know you can do so much better than me. I was stupid to think that I would ever get a girl so perfect and amazing for me but my life with you was perfect. It was worth a try at getting you back because that's all I want. I LOVE YOU LYLE and I NEED you back. Please Lyle. I have never wanted to fight for something more in my life than how much I will for you."

Someone, Somewhere // Ben BruceWhere stories live. Discover now