Chapter 9

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I woke up and looked around to notice Ben wasn't there. I sat up and looked around my bunk for my phone. "Its 10am" Ben said as he climbed back in my bunk with two bottles of cola and snacks. I looked around and realised that we were still driving, this is when you realise that today was going to be different. Usually we had stopped driving and were getting ready for a performance but I was still in my bunk and soon my life was going to change completely.

I grabbed Bens laptop and put on Russell Howards Good News. I've missed watching this. I sat with a packet of sweets and watched it as Ben wrapped his arm around me. I sat and laughed but tried to hide my laughs by burying my face into Bens chest. He had an adorable laugh whilst I laughed like a dying cat. "You hate your laugh don't you?" Ben asked as I nodded whilst still giggling. "It's adorable!" he said before kissing me

I opened my eyes after kissing him and smiled at him before noticing that it was a lot lighter. I turned to see James and Elisa looking in my bunk. Both of them looked at us with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. "We arrive at the airport in 10 so yous better start getting ready!" Elisa pointed out as she walked away. I sighed before Ben and I leaped out of my bunk.

I walked around the bus and grabbed all of my stuff and threw it in my case. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed all of the things that I could see. I walked to the lounge and threw each person their belongings. I'm guessing the bathroom wasn't a place that people like to pack since everything was still there. I walked to my case and grabbed comfy clothes for the plane. I grabbed a pair of black jeans and my tie dye hoodie that went over my bra and a pair of vans. I put all of my clothes in the case and zipped it up before I turned around.

I leaped out of my skin when I noticed Ben was behind me. "Ben!" I screamed as he started laughing whilst falling onto the bunk. "You're so easy to scare" he managed to spit out in between laughs. "Well you shouldn't be trying to scare me, you should be packing!" I said as I threw clothes at him. "Can you do it?" he asked as he pouted. "No!" I shouted as I started to walk away as I got pulled back so I was sitting on his lap with my back to him. "Please" he whispered as he swept away the hair from my neck and kissed it softly as he trailed lower and lower down my neck.

"Okay! I'll do it!" I shouted as I leaped off of him. I turned to see subtle smirk on his face. I ran around the bus and grabbed all of his clothes that were scattered around it and threw it in his case. I closed his case and dragged it off the bunk and put it on the floor so it was ready to be dragged off the bus. "Thank you" Ben shouted as he held my hips and kissed me. "Fuck off" I replied before laughing and kissing his cheek. I walked to the lounge to see all the guys and Elisa sitting talking about Ben. Luckily they never noticed me so I walked back to the bunks to try and keep Ben away and so I didn't have to hear them slag him off.

I walked to the bunks to see him sitting in his bunk. "What are you doing?" I asked as he cuddled up into his blankets. "Tired" I suggested as I sat at the edge of his bunk and then threw my legs in. He leaned over and rested his head on my legs as I played with his hair. He was almost falling asleep as I leaned down and kissed his nose. As I went to pull away he pulled me back down so I kissed him again.

I laughed at Ben as he pulled silly faces as I played with his hair. He sat up and pulled me into his strong arms as I lay and hugged into him as we waited on the bus arriving at the airport. I giggled as Ben started to kiss and nibble on my cheek. As he was doing it the curtain flew open to reveal Elisa. "We're here" was all she managed to say to me.

I got out of the bunk and went to grab a case as Ben grabbed it before me. "I'll get them" he said with a smile. "That'll be easy for you with those muscles" I laughed before squeezing the top of his arm as we both laughed and climbed off the bus and left the tour behind but took the memories with us.

We walked into the airport. We walked to the check in. 1 hour delay. Great. I walked to the shop and looked around at all of the perfumes, magazines, sweets and juice. After looking in the shop for ten minutes I walked out with a bottle of cola and walked over to the guys who were all sitting in the waiting area lying over all of the chairs.

I sat down next to Ben and kissed him. I looked over at Elisa who was drawing me daggers. I kept trying to ignore her and thinking that she was drawing daggers to someone behind me. I looked around and then looked back at her to see her focus had never left me. "What?" I mouthed as she shook her head and looked away.

I tried to sit and ignore what she had just done. I was doing well until I turned around to see her drawing me daggers again. "What the fuck is it?!" I shouted as she kept looking at me, not saying a word and everyone turned to look at me. "Have some fucking respect?!" she shouted as I looked at her confused as did everyone else. "What the fuck do you mean?!" I growled. "You two are kissing in a public place where anyone can take photos, how do you think Sam will feel!?" she yelled. I looked at her with my mouth wide open in shock as Ben had a similar expression.

"How do you think I felt when she said that I should have been dead a long time ago. How do you think I felt when I loved Ben but he was married but I stayed strong and never interfered until Ben told me that he loved me and even then I tried to fucking kill myself so I wasn't ruining his or her life. How do you think I felt after Ben and I started a relationship and I truly felt happy but I woke up and noticed she was on the bus but I couldn't say anything because she was his wife. I felt like a tart but I didn't care because I loved him. I wanted to give up my life for him but he saved me because he loves me. I am finally happy after 20 shit years of my life and you are going to try and bring me down over someone who said I should have been dead and you are meant to be my 'best friend' I am happy so fuck you and your stupid fucking opinion. I don't need that shit in my life anymore. I had twenty long years of it but now I have a purpose to live so that's what I'm going to do so fuck you."

I finished that sentence just in time as the flight for New Jersey was called. I stood up and walked away as Ben held my hand and walked with me. I didn't look back. Not for one second. I couldn't believe that my 'best friend' was trying to save her feelings even though when I had been told that I should have been dead she never came after me, Ben did.

I walked onto the plane and sat in my seat next to Ben. I held his hand as I put my seatbelt on as it was time for take-off. I looked out of the window and seen my past leave me. I had been Asking Alexandrias merch girl for two years but I was always at home right now but now I'm going to live on the other side of the world with Ben.

As soon as the seatbelt warning was off I quickly un fastened my seatbelt and looked out of the window to see a trail of fluffy clouds flying past the window. "Are you okay?" I turned to see Ben looking at me with his big green eyes full of concern. "Yeah" I said faintly as I nodded and gave a small smile. "I know you will miss people but I promise you, you'll be fine, I'm always going to be there with you." He said as he lifted the arm in between our seats and wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in close so I was cuddling into his chest.

I started thinking as I lay. I wasn't going to miss anyone. I kept thinking and thinking as I realised that I had everyone that I needed. Ben. I wasn't going to miss my parents, I was always wanting away from them and they never really knew who I was. They never understood me. To them I was just sad but to me I wanted to die and cause myself as much pain as I could.

I wasn't going to miss any friends. Well, to be honest I never really had any. I had one amazing friend but she was here with me and now I have no one but the guys. Yet again I'm sure we will make up again since we have been through a lot worse than this.

From the age of 12 to 15 I was a suicidal wreck but she managed to save me. She helped me when I was at my worst and I wouldn't have gotten past my 16th birthday if it wasn't for her and I certainly wouldn't be sitting on a plane moving to New Jersey to live with Ben Bruce, in fact I would never have met him but now my life is different. It is good and I'm going to do everything to keep it that way.

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