Chapter 10

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After the long plane journey we arrived at New Jersey at 10am. We got in the cab that would take us home. I sat in the back with Ben and rested my arms and head on the open window. I closed my eyes and listened to the faint radio that was playing Of Mice and Men. The warm sun shined onto my arms and gave me a warm feeling knowing I was far away from home. The soft and gentle breeze blew my hair and made it slowly move and fly as free as I felt when I realised that anyone that ever hurt me would never hurt me again.

We pulled up at a huge house. As we drove up the drive my eyes grew bigger and bigger. I looked around to notice we were basically in the middle of nowhere. I looked around to see it was surrounded by fields and trees. I listened to the wind going through the trees and the wind rustling the leaves that drifted across the ground as the birds sang and flew around looking like they were chasing after each other.

I walked up to the door as Ben walked up behind me with the cases after he had paid the driver. I walked into the house after he had unlocked the door with one quick movement of the wrist. I looked around at the huge rooms and hallways. I walked to the back to see an area of decking before the stairs that trailed to the huge garden.

I walked to the two huge seats that were outside. They were huge hanging chairs that were coated with leather. I kicked off my shoes and sat in one and covered myself with the blanket that coated the inside of it. "Comfy?" Ben asked. I looked at him and smiled before leaning back and closing my eyes.

I lay and listened to the birds singing as the wind blew over me but I felt the warmth from the white fluffy blanket. Suddenly the birds' song was disrupted by a loud crash after a loud British accent shouted "Shit" I pushed myself up and looked around the side of the chair. I looked down to see Ben lying on the wooden floor in the classic murder victim position, laughing.

I threw myself back and started laughing as tears flooded my eyes and ran down my cheeks. I was gasping for breath as I couldn't stop laughing. As my laughs started to slow down and I could breathe a lot better I peeked around the edge and seen him still lying on the floor, rolling over holding his back moaning as he giggled slightly. I threw myself back in the chair and started laughing uncontrollably. I tried to hide my laughs by muffling them in the white blanket but it never worked.

I moved the blanket away from my eyes which were still flooded with tears from laughing to see Ben standing there. He was still giggling but rubbing his back, it must have been sore. "I'm glad you find it funny" he moaned as he took off his shirt and looked at his back in the mirror. I tried to control my breathing and wiped my eyes. As my vision became less blurred I looked at Ben. His back was a deep red and was already starting to bruise.

I sat back in the seat and put my face in my hands and had a little giggle. A strong hand held onto the side of my seat as it swung slightly. I took my hands away from my face to see him standing with a bright red face and an embarrassed smile before we both burst out laughing. "You're a fucking idiot" I muttered whilst laughing. "It's fucking sore!" he moaned as he faked crying and laughed before looking up and shaking his head in embarrassment. "How did you miss it? They're huge!" I asked as I looked at him as he thought about what happened. "I don't even know" he answered as he gave off a giggle and shook his head.

I shook my head at him as I smiled. He walked over to the side of my chair and was about to jump in as I used all my force to swing it back slightly. "You little bastard" he shouted before grabbing the sides of the seat to make it still. He climbed in and sat next to me before wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

I glanced up at him as he looked down the garden. It was huge and looked like it went on for miles. It was surrounded by rows of trees. There was a wooden building that was like a log cabin. There were loads of different plants, each more and more exotic. The colours of them guided your eye around the garden. All of it was beautiful as they all swayed in the gentle breeze but the most beautiful thing was the sky.

It was a bright blue that caught your eye. The sun was a bright white that pointed out and looked like a star. I certainly wasn't used to that colour of sky in Britain. It's usually doom and gloom and if anything it made you depressed. Each ray of sun hit a different area of the garden or the house. I followed one ray that was in the house.

It led down the wooden decking and into the chair. It was hitting Ben. I looked at him and noticed that it was in his eyes and was making them look like a bright emerald green. They had specks of brown amongst the beautiful green. There were reflections of white from the sun. All of the brightness was surrounded by a row of thick, black eyelashes and dark skin.

I always remember when I first met Ben. I never fell in love with his body, his tattoos, his smile, his personality or his talent. I fell in love with his eyes and I think that's the best thing that anyone could do. You should fall in love with their eyes, if you fall in love with their body or their personality they could change but their eyes will stay like that forever, it's not often you will fall in love with someone and not love their eyes.

He turned and looked into my eyes and gave me a subtle smile before pulling me in tight and hugging me. I hugged into his chest as he kissed the top of my head. I closed my eyes and gave a sigh of relief. This is going to be my life now. It's going to be so different to my old one. I was scared at first but never have I felt so safe than I do in his strong arms.

We lay for about an hour until I decided that I was hungry. I leaped out of the chair and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. I walked in and ran to the huge black fridge. I looked at the rows and rows of food until I noticed the shelf full of cola. I grabbed two and put them on the island table that was in the centre of the kitchen. I looked through all of the shelves until something caught my eye, chocolate.

I looked at the pile of them on the black kitchen counter. I swear they were calling my name. "Back away from MY chocolate" Ben screamed as he ran into the kitchen and stood at the door looking at me. We had a staring competition before both of us looked at the chocolate and ran for it.

Just as I was about to grab it he snatched it and bolted the other way. I chased after him as he ran around the house. I ran into the lounge. I thought I had caught him since there are two doors but one was locked and the other was behind me. I ran towards him as he drifted past me and leaped on and off the sofa and out of the door.

I shook my head as I got to the lounge door to see him sticking his tongue out at me as he was standing half way up the stairs. I caught my breath before running after him. After battling the stairs I reached the top but what room was he hiding in?

I looked at the three doors that were the entrance to three huge rooms. I stood and listened to see if I could hear him. It was silent. What room was his? Then I thought about what room would be the biggest. That's when I looked at the white door of the room that had the balcony that was above the decking and looked over the garden. I slowly walked towards it. I reached for the door handle and wrapped my hand around it before pulling it down and slowly opening the door. It slowly swung open to show the huge bedroom.

My eyes scanned the room. The walls were pure white and the floor was the darkest of blacks that shined back to show your reflection and a white rug that was as fluffy as a cloud. One of the walls in the room has a huge area of glass that had a sliding door that led onto the balcony which was covered by a black curtain. The other side had a huge walk in wardrobe and the TV was huge. There was a shelf that held shining gold and silver awards that AA had gotten. Then there was the bed. It was huge and made of leather. It was black and the headboard travelled up the wall behind it.

Ben was lying in the middle of the bed as he swung the chocolate back and forth in his hand. "Wow" was all I managed to spit out as I looked around. "You like?" he asked. I spun around and shouted "Yes! It's fucking amazing! Look at the size of the bed!" "You should try it out?" he said as he patted the mattress next to him. I walked over and sat down. It was comfortable to say the least.

"This is huge! I'm never leaving!" I said as I curled up and snuggled into the blanket. "You've not seen the bath" he murmured as I sat up "What do you mean?" I asked as he laughed. "Well it's a bath but more like a mini pool" he answered. "What?!" I shouted as I stood up.

I was about to walk to the bathroom as a hand grabbed my arm. "Wait!" he shouted. I turned to see him with a smirk on his face. I raised an eyebrow at him as if to ask 'What?' "You've not fully tested the bed..." he said as he bit his lip and raised his eyebrow. I looked at him and giggled before he pulled me on top of him. "I fucking love you" he whispered before kissing my lips as I whispered back "I love you too"

Someone, Somewhere // Ben BruceWhere stories live. Discover now