Chapter 18

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So this is very strange but I realized I never actually published this until today. So here is the chapter what was suppose to be written in between the last one and the next one. Also I'm listening to random music on Spotify so who knows how this will go cause Spotify is my mood. Whatever mood a song creates is shown in my writing and HSM3 stuff came on...DONT JUDGE


"You can never get used to slender okay Jc!" Lilly replied. I walked out of the room and back downstairs. I opened the door and walked out to feel a nice breeze. The next thing you know all I saw was black.

*Jc's POV*

I woke up in a dark, cold, musky room and saw a shadowy figure standing near the doorway. I tried to get up from the chair I was on but realized I was tied down.

"So I made some sweet crème brûlée.((it's the desert thing in the photo)) you want some?" I heard a familiar voice say. I couldn't quite distinguish who it was but I knew I heard it before.

"Yeah no. I don't want to be poisoned and die. But thank you for the offer. Why are you back? I thought you were arrested."

"Eh well jailbreaks happen." She said putting down the dish of food and picked at her nails.

"What do you want anyways?"

"Oh...what do I want?? I want to destroy your little family. Hand over those two girls and I will set you free. If I don't have them in 2 days you will be punished."

"Well how exactly am I suppose to get them if..." I was cut off by a gag being put in my mouth. She took out my phone and she took a picture of me and the flash blinding me for a second.

"Send over those two girls and I will set your precious friend free. If I don't get them in that time he will be punished. Meet up at Pride Park near the forest behind it in 2 days at 6 pm. ((Yeah I couldn't think of something so I used the name of a cruise ship I went on for spring break...)) Love Alison." She read the text out loud as I heard her press send.

"Who did you even send that to?"

"Oh, just the group chat that was at the top consisting of everyone in that house."

"Go to hell Alison."

"Shut up. I'm untying you from the chair but don't get any silly ideas and try to escape. There is nothing to escape by and no one around us."

"Yeah I figured." I scoffed.

"I'm going out. I'll be back for you soon" she said and closed the door behind her and locked it when she left. I was just here to sit and wait to see what would happen to me........or my sisters. ((Niece? Cause the boys are like brothers? Idk same difference))

*Connors POV*

Everyone except Lilly and Trevor were hanging out in the living room because they were on a date. We were watching old O2L videos, laughing at how young we looked when all our phones went off. We all looked at our phones to see what it was. I looked at the group chat and Jc sent us a photo and text. Kian read the text out loud and all I could do was sit and just stare at my phone screen. I didn't know what to do. We couldn't just hand over our kids. The scariest part is that Lilly and Trevor are outside while Alison could be looking for us. I hope they come home as soon as possible because my daughter is out while some crazy ass bitch is wanting to capture her to do who knows what.

*Lilly's POV*

After Trevor and I were done cuddling we decided to go out on a lunch date cause we haven't done anything just us two in a while. We went to Harlem Diner ((pretty much just looked though the photos on my wall to get a name)) for lunch and we were just being goofballs in love.

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