Longish chapter but it's really early morning when this is being written so sorry for any mistakes. Love you
*Molly's POV*
We were watching movies after dinner and during a movie I fell asleep. Now there is this thing called lucid dreaming and I'm a lucid dreamer. Lucid dreaming is when you are dreaming but are actually aware that it's all a dream and can control what happens.
I was in my room in my childhood home with Lilly sleeping on the floor. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror I saw a terribly disfigured image and was terrified. "This is all just a dream" I repeatedly told myself with my eyes closed. When I opened my eyes I was in a dark room and I knew this was a nightmare. Nightmares are the worst if you are a lucid dreamer because everything feels so real and since you can feel and sense everything it's even worse. Plus sometimes you can't force yourself to wake up. "Well well well. Look who we have here. If it isn't little miss perfect." I knew that voice. It was her..... "I thought you were gone" "Oh but sweetie you thought wrong. I never left. Well technically I did leave but I never actually left...whatever. You are smart enough to understand." "I get it just what do you want from me?" I ask while telling myself it's all a dream in my head. "I'm here to get some revenge for everything." "I never did anything to you! I was always so nice but you were such a bitch. You always tried to be such an innocent person but you aren't! I saw past everything but apparently some people are too stupid to realize." I say. "I was trying to be innocent because I was always living in your shadow. I was forgotten and that's why I left. I left because no matter what I did it was nothing in comparison to the perfect star child that did everything correct. I wanted to be wanted for once. I wanted mom and dad to at least acknowledge that i existed, but they didn't because everything was all about you. 'Molly is so great', 'Molly is such a perfect child', 'why can't you be more like your sister?' Is all I ever heard." "I didn't mean to put you in my shadow buy honestly you deserved it for how terrible you have been before." I defend. Then I close my eyes to get this over with. When I opened them I was in my room again except everything was broken and I was tied to a chair. To make matters even worse SHE was still in my dream. Not only that but Lilly was across the room tied to the wall with chains and in the middle of the room was a table filled with different torture weapons. All I ever wanted to do was to protect Lilly after what happened with HIM but now all I can to is hope that SHE does nothing to her. Lilly is fragile and seeing her hurt or helpless is the worst feeling in the world. So I closed my eyes and thought of a knife. When I opened my eyes there was a knife in my hand and I cut myself out of the rope that was binding me to the chair. When I got out I felt a sharp pain in my side. I put my hand to it and a knife was there. "Hurt me all you want but just please don't hurt Lilly." I begged. "No Molly just let her hurt me." Lilly protested in a weak and raspy voice. "Lilly I can't let you get hurt. This will be over soon. I can handle a little pain." I say while walking closer to her. "No Molly. Go run and get help. I promise you I will be okay. Please just trust me on this one." She whispered so SHE couldn't hear. "Fine but I promise you that you will make it out alive. I'm not losing you after all we have been through. I'm not going down without a fight." I hugged her and turned to my sister who was too busy on her phone to realize I was looking at her. "Okay just to make this clear you aren't getting away with this and I'm going to make sure of it." I closed my eyes and thought of a bow and arrow so I could hurt her from a distance but without using a gun because of Lilly's mom. When I opened my eyes I had what I needed and shot at her. I missed the first couple but when I hit her I hit her leg and she fell down. This gave me enough time to run and go get help. But before I could fully leave the house I heard a gunshot and that's when I knew Lilly was gone. I went into mom and dads room and went to the bed. When I got in the bed I started crying. When I heard a door opened i cowered in fear and hid under the covers. "Honey are you okay?" My mom asked. "Mom how are you? Dad!" I yelled and jumped to hug them. "Honey what's wrong?" Dad asked. "It was her. She came back. Sarah killed my best friend Lilly whom I met in the orphanage after you died." I told them crying while still hugging them. Then I felt a warm liquid drip down on me. I looked up to see both of my parents covered in blood. "Hahahaha" Sarah laughed demonically. "I'm going go make sure everyone you love is going to die and I'm gonna make you watch." I kept closing my eyes telling myself to wake up but I couldn't. "Sweetie this is a nightmare you will never wake up from." I was scared. It felt so real even though it's a dream. I close my eyes again and hope that the dream will change but it won't. I was stuck until someone from the overworld woke me up which I am hoping is soon.
So it's 4:00 am and I was listening go white walls while reading the beautiful ones by writerbug44 when I thought of an idea to spice things up. Now I left a lot of loose ends but they will be tied up next chapter. When I'm finished this book Sarah will get her own story and will explain their childhood together. Anyways I hope you liked the chapter and if you want to give it a vote because it would mean a lot to me. I love you guys! ILY AND

Life With O2L :)
Hayran Kurgu*UNDER EDITING* What will happen after a life changing event? Will the crew be safe and sound or will danger be lurking around every corner. IDFK READ TO FIND OUT!