"I did say that Connor would pay didn't I? Now this is his payback. You two girls and I guess trevor,. Say your last goodbyes. By the way, my name is Alison." Then she laughed devilishly and shot. This is the end......
*Trevor's POV*
I heard police sirens and saw Molly hugging her lax stick eating a bag of sour cream and onion chips. Lilly is is in my lap eyes closed. I saw that Ben was on the floor bleeding. 3 people dead, right in front of me. Ben was lying right in front of Ruben. He must have taken a bullet for him. Then I heard fighting and another shot go off. The bullet hit the wall. I then saw a girl who was fighting Alison trying to take the gun away.
*???? POV*
I was trying to take the gun away from Alison. I knew a place that was most likely the weakest area. So I kneed her in the gut and she fell down to the floor. I grabbed the gun and put it in my belt. I picked up Alison and threw her into the wall. She groaned in pain. She got up and punched me in the face and I punched her back. She had a busted lip at this point and most likely a broken something. When I wasn't paying attention she pulled out a knife and cut my arm and I yelled in pain. I then used my healing powers and healed the cut then took my own knife and threw it at her. It hit her in the arm and she yelled in pain. Finally the cops came in to I went invisible and they took Alison away and some cops stayed back to make sure everyone was okay. I put down the gun and climbed up into one of the top cubby things I guess and hid in there. Then the paramedics came in and took the 3 children who were most likely dead by now. When everything was clear and everyone was in a circle hugging and crying I came down and became visible once more.
"Hey guys my name is Leslie and I am the one who took out the shooter. She's Alison as you guys know and she is known for getting revenge for the smallest things. I have fought her before. Anyways if you are wondering since it's dark in here I have 1 purple eye and 1 turquoise eye, blond hair that has black highlights and this may creep you out but I have powers."
*Molly's POV*
"Powers? What kind of powers?" Then someone turned on the light and saw that it was Mr. Jones who turned them on.
"Name a power and I have it."
"Healing?" Lilly asked.
"Strength? Speed? Invisibility?"
"Yes. I have all powers and I am greatly respected in the hybrid world. I have no place to actually call home so I just roam around."
"Well you could live with us." Lilly suggested.
"Are you sure? Nobody ever offered me a place to stay when they hear about my powers."
"Sure! It would be awesome to have someone as cool as you living with us!" I said.
"You two live with each other?"
"Yeah. Me, her and him." I said pointing at Trevor.
"May I ask a question?"
"What are your names?"
"Right! I'm Molly, that's trevor, this is Lilly..." I went on telling Leslie everyone's names.
"Okay so you are..." She went on to make sure she got everyone's name right.
"Yep. You got it right. Now you need to learn the ships. There is #Rulia over there." Lilly said while pointing to Julia and Ruben.
"Then there is me and Trevor and i don't know if anyone made a ship name for us considering everyone found out today and we still haven't told our fans."
"Fans?" Leslie asks.
*Lilly's POV*
"Yeah fans. Do you know why YouTube is?"
"Yeah I do."
"Well Molly, Trevor, me, and the people who adopted me and Molly have YouTube accounts and we are pretty popular."
"Oh cool."
Then we all started talking and fixing everything. Then we went home early due to what happened and Leslie came with us. She didn't have a board so we just all walked home.
Hey guys it's Julia here and I hope you guys liked the first chapter of Life With O2L. I have big plans for this story so add this to your library so you know when I update. ILY AND

Life With O2L :)
Fiksi Penggemar*UNDER EDITING* What will happen after a life changing event? Will the crew be safe and sound or will danger be lurking around every corner. IDFK READ TO FIND OUT!