Chapter 12

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*Lilly's POV*

I plugged my phone into my ihome and I pressed shuffle and little me came on. ((It's by little mix)) I started singing along while getting ready. I put on my floral unstoppable shirt, a pair of black Olivia shorts, a black and floral SnapBack that said stay classy and a pair of black converse. I also put on my arrow necklace and my infinity necklace. When I was done I didn't really feel like curling my hair into bouncy curls so I kind of made it wavy looking and braided some on the left side back. ((Look at pic on @girlzrealmfanfics on Instagram.)) I got my hair re-dyed after the shooting to purple so I could feel like I have moved on.....I don't know. When I finished getting ready I turned on my karaoke app and started to sing little me. When I finished it was time to go downstairs so I saved the recording and opened my door when 6 guys fell on the floor in front of my feet.

"Uhh what are you guys doing? Did you like have your ears pressed to the door?"

"Yeah we did. And you are a great singer."

"Shut up Kian. Okay? I don't want to talk to you. You hurt one of my best friends and I'm not sure how long it will take me to forgive you. Come on trevor let's go." I said as I grabbed Trevor's hand and he lead me out the door. We took our penny boards and trevor instructed me to follow him. We ended up at a little park with a lake. He stopped and we walked closer and I saw a cute little picnic set up. We sat down and ate the sandwiches that were in the picnic basket. When we were finished eating trevor stood up.

"Lilly I want to sing you something."

"Okay go for it."

He started singing the all to familiar songs that he has preformed before. The Dark Side, Someone, and Echo. It was amazing because he was singing to me. When he ended he held out his hand for me to take. When I stood up he asked "may I have this dance?" and we started slow dancing with no music around the park. It was amazing. When we were done we packed everything up and went back to the house.

"FAMILY MEETING!" Connor and Ricky yelled. I felt a pit start to create in my belly so I ran over to Molly and hugged her. "Please don't do this to us." Molly said. "Do what?" "Send us back." "We would never do that. We were gonna ask if you guys wanted to go on the tour with us or if you guys wanted to stay home and Leslie would be in charge." "Oh." "So you guys wanna go?" "YES!" Molly Leslie and I yelled. I ran over to trevor and he picked me up and spun me around. I love these guys.


Sorry about the lack of updates. You see I'm leavening for a sleep away camp and I have been busy with day camp and I feel so bad. So when I get back from camp I will have a lot written and I will upload it all when I get back. Love you guys.



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