Hey guys! guess who's back! It's a me a Mario! Just kidding. 😂 Anyways here is an update. Sorry it took so long but I did say that the first part was on the drill sheet now didnt I? Anyways so to make up for it being almost a month of no chapter updates i decided to make this chapter extra long for you guys! I really hope you guys like it because I worked very hard on it and it was hard to find time to work on it but I did and well I personally think it turned out good. Now just saying chapters may take longer because I am trying to make them a little bit longer for you guys. Okay now this is too long of an authors note so let's just get to the story, shall we?
*Mollys POV*
That's when......... little baby Annabelle stood up on her little baby feet. She's so cute man. I still can't believe my best friend has a kid.
"HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!" I yelled. "FOR FUCKS SAKE! HOLY FUCKS ON A STICK!" Lilly yelled. "Lilly no cursing in front of your own kid." connor reprimanded.((woah big word usage)) "right but she just freaking stood up! My little baby just stood up! I can't believe....I just....uhh....it's just so.....GAH" Lilly said. "Aww Lilly don't cry baby." Trevor said trying to calm her down. "I am so happy I have you guys I mean she just stood up and I got to experience it with my idols and best friend and I know that my parents are watching over me right now watching this with us to. I mean it's just so overwhelming to see how far I have come." "Aww sappy monologues." Kian laughed. "Group hug including the new stander!" Sammers yelled. Him and Leslie are so cute together man. We all got up and Lilly picked up Annabelle and we all hugged each other with Lilly in the center. It's just one big happy family and I'm so glad that Lilly will always be with me. "Aww guys I love you." I said. Then I heard a chorus of love you toos from the hug. We all separated and sat on the couch to watch a movie. When it was around 6:00 we took Annabelle back to her parents then went back to the house. Lilly went upstairs to do who knows what and I sat with the rest of the crew watching the Lion King because who doesn't love that movie. Two movies later we still haven't seen Lilly. "Hey guys I'm gonna go check up on Lilly to see what she's up to." Trevor said getting up.
*Trevors POV*
I started walking up the stairs to Lillys room to figure out what's going on. When I get there and I'm about to knock I hear a slow sad song and Lilly saying fuck. I kept listening as she rewound the song to a previous point. Then I heard an angelic voice come through the door and heard soft footsteps.
*Lillys POV*
While the crew was downstairs I was in my room working on something no one knew about. Not even molly. I was singing and dancing to clear my head. I do some tap, ballet, contemporary, hip hop, jazz, and some ballroom. When I was little I did dance and I loved it since so I decided to keep with it and learned from Youtube. You see I found a great Youtube channel for different types of dance and I emailed the account owner to see if she could teach me off of Skype. I would always go to the recitals the dance studio she owned had and even practiced there sometimes but dance was my safe haven no one knew about. Same with singing. I never really took voice lessons but I always remember my parents saying I had a good voice. So there I was in my room doing rehearsal for the next recital to the song young and beautiful by Lana del Ray. I personally love the song and I choreographed the chorus and had Mrs. Rachel do the rest. Right now I was perfecting the turns during the chorus and I kept messing up and I was getting very annoyed with them. I had to get more momentum so I could do the amount that I set when I first did this. "Come on Lilly! You can do it. Trust me. You have done it before so you can do it again." I tried and was one turn off. "Fuck. Why can't I get this tonight?" "I don't know but keep trying. Maybe singing with the song will help." I did it again with singing and I got it down. Then I heard a knock on my door. "WHO IS IT!" I yelled. "It's trevor." "Uhh Rachel I'll call you tomorrow same time?" "Okay but keep working on the turn combos in the chorus and then we can work on the first part okay?" "Got it." I ended the call. "HOLD UP TREV!" i quickly took off my ballet shoes and threw them in my closet. then I opened the door and let him in. "Hey what's up?" I said as casually as I could hoping that he didn't hear anything. "I just wanted to know what you were doing considering you missed two movies including the lion king." "oh I was doing nothing important. Just hanging out on YouTube, twitch, Twitter, and wattpad." "Twitch?" asked trevor. "Umm its like younow for gamers, so I was watching this thing called Mianite and stuff...." "Oh okay. Well you want to come downstairs to watch a movie or just stay up here and relax with me, my up and coming 8th grader." "Aww shut up mr. Leaving Me Behind To Go To High School." I say while playfully slapping his chest. "It's not my fault I'm a year older." "Aww poo you! Ily bæ!" "Wow....anyways your decision?" "Is cuddling an option because cuddling with da bæ sounds pretty fun.😘" "Well now it's an option if you want it to be." "Well then get over here you loser!" I said jumping onto my bed. Well it looks like my secret is safe for now, but let's just hope it stays that way or things will not be how I like them to be. I mean sure they will eventually find out but in my opinion I rather them found out in some time then for them to find out in a short amount of time. ((You picking up what I'm putting down?))

Life With O2L :)
Fanfiction*UNDER EDITING* What will happen after a life changing event? Will the crew be safe and sound or will danger be lurking around every corner. IDFK READ TO FIND OUT!