6- Task

783 34 5

Lime warning. Also, sorry I had to re-upload this! Wattpad's acting pretty shitty and won't let me arrange chapters in order—

"A person with several, impressive talents indeed."

Kurogiri found himself thinking as he left you in charged with the bar after demonstrating a miscellaneous amounts of prowess for the art of bartending. He was needed under All For One's meetings, in which his personal presence is a must and so he was reluctant to leave the bar for a moment, and he entrusted it to you.

As he was about to teach you how things were done behind the counter, he was surprised you knew what you were doing. Although you weren't as precise and as fast as he is (you were having trouble navigating through different types of drinks and ingredients), but you were decent at it.

He never saw you as the type to know such intricacies, but he reminded himself you are L/N Y/N, the most unpredictable person he has ever met in all his living years.

Seated behind the bar counter across Tomura, you occupied yourself by silently skimming through a recent news article. Your wrist mindlessly swirled the straw of a milkshake you made earlier, as you waited for a costumer. It was totally boring for you to wait for costumers, when you were anticipating for one to perhaps practice bar keeping without wasting drinks.

Bored out of your mind, you glanced up at Tomura. He looks particularly enthralled by the newspaper in hand, he had to temporarily take father off his face to see better. He barely touched the cold, glass of water you served him, as it sat by the countertop dripping with moisture. He was particularly bitter when you cut his alcoholic drinks off, but oh come on, you were only looking out for him. 

Ohh, he looks so focused in the article, it was adorable, so sexy! The way his face would lightly scrunch from scrutiny, the way he brushed his light blue hair that hovered above his eyes out of irritation and annoyance, his crimson red eyes intently drawing out conclusions in his head... He was probably reading articles regarding UA students and the heroes, most likely All Might. But oh you couldn't resist but to gaze at his face. The littlest details, oh you could pick up on them quite easily.

"Stop staring at me. It's rude." He suddenly spoke, flipping through another page and used the news paper to cover his visage. With a pout, you reached for his arm and lowered it to get a full view of his unmasked face for once.

It was rare for him to take his father off, it is probably refreshing for him to take it off during the day. You knew his reason why he wore it, it was a symbol that's important for him. A symbol for his failure, a motivation as master says... The hand of his real father, Mister Shimura. You knew he'd hit you if you said the name out loud, and you don't want to. You didn't want to upset him, not again.

He glances at you from the newspaper with a slight glare, staring into your soul seething with hatred. But you knew he could never hate you~!

"Oh I am sorry Tomura! But I just can't help it, you're adorable!" You squealed, lightly pinching his cheek before withdrawing your hand away from him before he grabs it out of instincts.

"Whatever, just mind your damn business." He rolled his eyes, before returning to his reading.

Climbing off the counter, you slid into a seat beside him and leaned your head in his shoulder. "What are you reading, my love?" You caught a glimpse of a crime scene from the cheaply printed photograph on the paper, before glancing at Tomura.

"None of your business, now get off of me!" He tried to shake you off, but you remained still, like a persistent mountain that refuses to bow down to a strong howl the wind. "I said get off!"  Your jaw slacks, before you got a hold of yourself and submissively nodded, turning away from him like a puppy being yelled at by its master... 

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