2- Tomura's soliloquy and their arrival

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Tomura's eye twitches, as the bandage wrapped around his body irritated him. It reminded him how that Y/N always cling their selves on him, despite having the literal touch of death. He can never get them. What pleasure does that person get whenever they're risking their life?

Incompetent, that's what they are. They're lucky they were raised by Master with him, or else they would find themselves lying in a pile of ash.

He find himself being guilty, though. He loves you, I hope you know that. He just doesn't know how to express those feelings.

In fact, it feels like guilty pleasures. Your relationship with him is... Complicated, to say the least. It's not like he doesn't love your relationship together, it just gets dysfunctional at times.

There were days you're affectionate, there were days you're an envious mess, there were days you're extremely feeling stabby.

And him, well... There's nothing wrong with him, all he can do was to pin point all the blames to you, the reason why the relationship is spiralling down.

And besides, Master said that feelings like those would just distract him. Master suggested that you shouldn't involve yourself with other people, that you shouldn't get yourself attached to them. His past only matters, it fuels his desires, it actually motivates him. It's not like Master doesn't support your relationship, it's just that he is too attached.

Well, you were more attached. Obsessed, even. It actually fuels your desires. You desire to help Tomura to do his own desires. Your personal desires doesn't matters only his. This story is about him. You're just his love interest, after all. But he wouldn't dare to say it out loud to hurt your feelings. He doesn't want to exploit your weakness... Too much, anyways. He'll try not to abuse it. But he's already abusing it. Your kindness, your long patience, your weaknesses... He always uses it to his advantages. For his own gains. And he hates himself for that.

But is it selfish of him? Or is it just supporting himself? He can't tell the difference. It doesn't really matter to him. He's a villain for crying out loud, he doesn't have any time to question his moralistic beliefs.

Well... What was the point of this relationship? It's only a burden to be carried around. What should he do with it? You're mostly not getting out you prison anytime soon.

The solution is simple: He should break up with you. Well, he technically already did it.

He wants to, but something deep inside him just wants to stay with. It loves to stay with you, it lusts to stay with you.

You're the only person there for him after Master. He knew far too well not to break ties with his powerful S-rank lover in his side to kill the Symbol of Peace.

You are his, and you're supposed to be his forever. You already, in fact, pledged yourself to him. And he did the same to you.

You've been together for a decade and a half, and it's too late to back out now.

And besides, he was sure it'd be you he'll marry. He's not sure when, but someday.

We've strayed far away from the topic, let's go back: What will he do now that he broke your heart?

It was obviously your fault, given that you always annoyed him. You did everything just to get in his nerves, and he doesn't appreciate that.

"Kurogiri," the recovering man child called, as he tipped the glass in his grasp back and fourth, watching the alcoholic liquid move as he commands.

The man by the bar counter glanced at his employer, urging him to go on with his statement.

"Do you think Y/N will forgive me?"

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