3- Youth

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The playground during a rainy day seems to be more pleasant than a sunny day.

Kids were out of sight, they were probably home with their families, happy together.

The rainy storm cloud hovered to cover the bright sun. Every trace of the bright blue sky was lined with grey clouds, threatening to pour all of their tears.

It's okay to break down, sometimes. It's not okay to keep it all in, until you decide to erupt in sheer rage, destroying everything in they come across.

The light raindrops poured, as people rushed to seek shelter from the downpour.

You, however, stayed. You stubbornly remained seated on the swing, as rain began to soak you.

It didn't matter. No one would get mad at you anyways. It's not like they care anyways.

The blood stains from yesterday can't seem to be washed off by rain itself, but you can't be bothered to wipe it off. No one cares anyways. Even if people cares, they don't even bother to help. Their pity can't help you, so why bother?

You have all the free time of the world, but you don't know how to spend them. You're just wallowing in your seat, thinking about what you have done, as you swayed back and forth in the swing you were seated on.

Your twin sister died when you were two. Your twin sister died because of you when you were two.

It was a freak accident, when you accidentally bumped into her by the staircase. She fell, breaking her neck on her way down.

An accident that could have been prevented if your mother was watching you instead of wallowing in her misery about the possibilities of divorce with your father and the lost of her eldest daughter, your older sister.

A once happy family of five... Slowly deteriorating into a toxicity.

It all started in the night before your second birthday, when your older sister woke you up from your slumber, a big bag strapped onto her shoulder.

You and your twin Saki were woken up by the night before your birthday by your fourteen years old sister, Mira.

You couldn't understand why she carried a bag, and why she was dressed like she's going away, to take a vacation.

You wished you could've join her to escape this hell.

Happy birthday was the last thing you heard from her. That kind soul, she left the house before anyone knew it.

You can't blame her, the family situation was getting worst and worst. Although, you couldn't understand back then. You were bitter back then.

The family situation got worst. Mother was crying, father was drinking, they were always fighting.

A seemingly bright future's light slowly grew fainter and fainter throughout the years.

And one day, your mother ran away with another man. Never to be found again. And you were left with your father.

He struggled raising you properly, when he gave up as well. He started pampering himself instead of taking care of you.

You starved, you were neglected. He would often take out all his anger on you.

A viscous cycle of abuse, regret, repentance.

And then he snapped. He decided to get you off his ruined life permanently, convinced that to stop your suffering, you should die.

He took you in to the woods. He planned a walk between you, a child and father bonding... And he expected to be the only one who will get out alive. It's quite the opposite, actually.

Insane but mine (Shigaraki Tomura X Semi Yandere Reader)Where stories live. Discover now