Book IV

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Happens in Fire Emblem: Heroes

"Fairies." Kiran's face held a look of utter confusion as he stared at the notification on his phone. "We go from literal DEATH to-to—fairies and dreams and sparklies everywhere?!"

Suddenly, a girl with wings appeared and curtsied.

"Hi! My name's Peony! I'm a Ljósálfar from Ljósálfheimr! I just thought I should say 'hi' before we got too far into the book."

"I'm sorry, you're a what?" Kiran blinked.

"A Ljósálfar."


"I repeat: what?? Like, literally all I am hearing from your mouth is jolndidbsisjgsgdh."

"I get that a lot. Anyway, nice to meet you! Bye!" The fairy waved as she flew away.

Kiran stood there awkwardly. "Okay... Y'know what? That's fine! I'll just....sit here in my room...until the plot calls for me..."


After Chapter 12 in Book IV

"...What? What do you mean I was Alfonse this entire time?!" The Summoner squinted at the piece of paper in his hands. "Here I am waiting for the plot to just mention me, but turns out I was the main character?"

"You stole the script again didn't you?" An unamused voice asked.

Kiran glanced over to Grima before returning his attention to the paper. "Shush, I'm reading."

The fell dragon rolled his eyes before muttering, "You're hopeless."

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