Past Memories

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(A/N) Happens in the ruined future of Awakening.


A young man with white hair sat in the darkest corner of the royal library as silent tears poured down his face. He grabbed at the dark cloak enveloping his body, pulling it closer as if it would stop his shaking body.

Robin's head throbbed and he was tired. Tired of looking for hope, tired of lying to his only friend that he was alright, and tired of fighting his inevitable end. His mind felt as if it would tear itself apart from the inner conflict that weighed so heavily upon his spirit.

There were many times he wanted to give up, but he knew that relenting would only give the evil inside him the victory it desired. That evil threatened to claw its way through his thoughts and mind, continually whispering its dark cravings deep in the young man's heart. He knew he couldn't fight it forever and was afraid that it would not be long until his mental barriers were shattered, meaning the evil one would be in control.

The young man felt that even his brilliant mind was failing him as it only came up with one solution for his hopeless fate, one that the man he considered as his brother, Chrom, refused to even acknowledge.

Only when he choked back a sob did the man realize he had been crying aloud and was thankful that no one else was in the room to hear his despair. He leaned his head against the wall, forcing himself to calm down, but noticed movement behind one of the bookshelves a few feet away from him. The young man cursed at himself for his lack of self-control. He didn't need any of the Shepherds witnessing his state of weakness—especially not Chrom.

Robin curled himself further in the shadows, hoping to conceal himself, and glanced to where had seen the motion. Two blue orbs hesitantly peaked around the corner of one of the bookshelves, peering at him warily before widening once they realized they had been caught.

A small child with long, cerulean hair slowly stepped out from behind the bookshelf, walking guiltily forwards with her eyes downcast. Robin immediately recognized the girl as his friend's daughter and couldn't help but notice she was nervously clutching a rather large book.

"You're Daddy's friend...right?" The little princess timidly asked, finally raising her eyes to meet his.

The young man stared at her, his gaze habitually falling to her left eye where a tear-shaped brand sparkled with what little light shone in the dark library. Even as he marveled at the crystal-like brand, he felt the presence inside him burn with an ancient hatred towards the lineage the brand represented.

Suddenly, he remembered the girl in front of him and, ignoring the hateful thoughts, nodded in response to her question. "Yes, I'm Robin.'re Lucina?" He asked, hoping he had remembered her name correctly. The girl nodded quickly.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Lucina fidgeted, "Um...I-I came in here to get a book for my studies and I heard" She gripped harder at the book in her arms and then continued with a look of worry across her face. "Why were you crying?"

Robin was taken aback. He had always been careful not to involve himself in the lives of Chrom's children—for their sake as much as his own—yet here the princess was, worrying about him even though he might as well have been a stranger.

"I've...just had a lot on my mind lately. Sorry if I worried you..." He tried to reassure her.

"...Is there anything I can do to help?" The girl asked hopefully.

The young man sighed. "No. Unfortunately, there's nothing anyone can do..."

Her face fell for a moment before her eyes lit up in thoughtfulness. "All things work together for good."

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