Chapter 28-All Clear

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"Good news Kori, the contractions have stopped. I'd like to keep you here for the next couple of hours to monitor you, just to make sure. I'm going to get an ultrasound machine in here. I know they did one in the emergency department when you arrived, but I want to take a look for myself." The doctor said, as she looked at the paper that had spit out from the fetal monitor strapped to my stomach. I breathed a sigh of relief, although I knew I had not had a contraction in over an hour. I was anxiously awaiting for Ryan to get here. I knew he would be stuck in race traffic, but I had no idea it would take so long since race attendance was so limited. I couldn't help but worry though.

"Would you mind calling Ryan again? I thought he would have gotten here by now." I asked Lisa, who had not left my side since she arrived at our house after I called her in a near panic.

"Of course honey." She replied, but before she could even get out her phone, the door to the hospital room burst open, and I breathed another sigh of relief over seeing the familiar figure with the distinctive checkered flag face mask I was so accustomed to seeing on TV.

"I'm so sorry baby. I got stuck in traffic, then there was an accident and that backed up traffic even more. I tried calling, but your phone went straight to voicemail and I didn't even think of calling mom." He explained. I then realized in my panic, I had left my phone at home.

"It doesn't matter. You are here now." In my relief, I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the dampness on my own face mask.

In a matter of seconds, he was at my side, cradling me in his arms. "What's going on? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" He asked frantically, and I realized he must have mistaken my tears of relief for something worse.

"I'm fine. We're both fine. They gave me something and the contractions stopped. The doctor should be back in shortly, she said she was getting an ultrasound machine." I explained.

"Ultrasound, really? You mean I'll finally get to see one?" I could tell by the way his eyes crinkled in the corners that he was smiling under his mask.

The doctor returned a few minutes later with a portable ultrasound machine and after a brief introduction with Ryan, she got started. No matter how many ultrasounds I had, I always flinched from the cold gel.

The doctor smiled as she ran the wand over my stomach, and Ryan was mesmerized as he looked at the screen.

"Everything looks good Kori. Strong heartbeat, membranes are intact. Your cervix is starting to soften, but that's not really too uncommon or too concerning at this stage. Baby is about average size for gestational age."

"How concerning for the baby if I would end up delivering at this time?" I asked.

"Well of course we like to keep the baby inside you for as long as possible, but if that's not the case, you can rest assured that at 34 weeks, the risk of fetal mortality is remarkably low. There is always a concern for immature lung development, but if we had been unable to halt labor, we would give you corticosteroids to mature the baby's lungs. Your baby may or may not require a NICU stay, but if she does, it's likely to be brief. With that being said however, I am doubtful you will make it to your due date, you will most likely go earlier than expected, but our goal is to delay delivery for a long as possible. I'm going to recommend bed rest, at least until I see you next week. After that, I'd like to see you weekly."

"Okay. I guess it's a good thing I got all the cleaning done and meals prepared then." I said, with a smile at Ryan, who's gaze was still transfixed on the ultrasound screen."

"Should I skip the next race? It's not like I'm still in the playoffs." Ryan asked, finally looking away from the screen and at me, then the doctor.

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