Chapter 11-Regrets

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Ryan's POV

"You should have went after her man. You are such an idiot." Chase scolded me as I popped
The tab on my beer and looked out at the vast ocean.

After Kori left me in Las Vegas, I decided to join my friends in Malibu a day early. There was no reason for me to stay in Vegas, nothing but bad memories, a marriage to end and a pair of wedding rings.

The crazy thing was, I wasn't really sure I wanted to end the marriage. Sure it was ridiculous and impulsive, but was crazy about Kori.

Did she honestly think that she was nothing more than a piece of ass to me? Would I have gone through so much trouble tracking her down if she were simply a piece of ass?

Why couldn't I just be straight with her? Let her know just how much more she was to me.

I knew what I said hurt her feelings, yet I could say what I really wanted to say. Everything I spoke just came out wrong and I just kept making everything worse the more I said. I had no idea how to fix it. She had made it clear she wanted out of the marriage, and by leaving, she also let me know she wanted nothing more to do with me.

I didn't plan on telling anyone that Kori and I got married, but when I showed up at the rented beach house early...alone, Chase and Bubba both confronted me, and I spilled everything. All Chase could do during the entire story was shake his head, but he let me keep talking, while we shared several beers. Meanwhile Bubba didn't hold back in telling me this was the stupidest thing I had ever done, especially when I confessed that I wasn't sure if I wanted to end the marriage. He went to join his girlfriend, leaving Chase and me alone.

Chase and Bubba had off and on relationships with the same two girls for the last few years. Bubba and his girlfriend were currently on, Chase and his off. Me...I had hookups. Numerous hookups because I had no intention of getting serious with anyone. Not until Valentine's Day when I literally ran into the drop dead gorgeous blonde in the little red dress. I had no idea how much my life and outlook on things would change after that moment.

When I was finally done, he actually had the fucking nerve to slap me upside the head.

"Ow. What the hell was that for?" I complained. Okay. I admit, I kind of deserved it.

"Because you're an idiot Ry. Do you love her?"

I nodded solemnly.

"Then you need to go to go after her. Talk to her. Tell her how you feel." Leave it to Chase to be the voice of reason. However, I couldn't grasp on To anything other than the fact that she walked out on me.

"What's the point. She doesn't love me. In fact, she probably hates me now. Besides, she was the one that left me, and I'm the one who has to clean up this mess." I sighed.

"Can you blame her? You pretty much called her your slut. Implied that was all she was to you. Is it any wonder you haven't had a girlfriend in years?" Chase said, and I hated that he was right. I just didn't know what to do. I didn't know how Kori felt about me. Hell, it took her leaving for me to realize I was in love with her. How was that even possible? We had only known each other for a little more than a week.

"I don't know what to do Chase. I fucked everything up so bad." I sighed again, raking my hands through my hair.

"That little rectangular shaped item in your pocket is called a phone. You use it to talk to people. Now use it to call your wife and tell her what an idiot you are and beg for forgiveness." Chase smirked at me. God he was such a fucking smart ass.

I got up and walked a ways down the beach. I took out my phone and stared at it for a minute, trying to figure out what to say before pulling up my contacts and finding her name. I had a picture next to her name, and I stared at that for a few moments. Damn she was beautiful. I tapped her name and the phone rang several times before I got the message stating the person I was calling was not available and had not set up a voice mail. Either she really wasn't available, or she was dodging my calls. I typed out a text message instead, and with a sigh of resignation, I shoved my phone back in my pocket. As an afterthought, I called her work and was told she was not there. I felt like such a dick. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and walked back to where Chase was sitting and grabbed another beer. Hoping desperately that she would call me back.


Kori's POV

After returning from Las Vegas, I didn't go back to work right away. I didn't want to face anyone. I sat alone in my apartment pouting, sulking, crying and cursing the night I ran into Ryan Blaney. Damn him for making me fall in love with him and damn him even more for breaking my heart.

I don't know what I was expecting to happen, but it certainly wasn't this. Ryan called, and I ignored it. He sent a text message saying he was sorry and to please call him. That we needed to talk. I couldn't. I was not ready to face him, even over the phone.

Tracy called and I ignored her too. I didn't want to talk to anyone. A few minutes later, she sent a text:

Kori, answer your damn phone. I know you are not with Ryan because he called here looking for you. What the hell is going on?

Damn him.

I replied back to the text:

Things didn't work out with Ryan. Don't really want to talk about it. Taking a few days off.

She replied back:

I'm sorry hun. 😭 I'm here whenever you want to talk. ❤️u!!!!

I figured Ryan was probably calling about the annulment, but I really didn't want to hear about it.  I was crazy for actually wanting to stay married to him, and even crazier for hoping he wanted to stay married to me. I guess subconsciously I was putting it off. I knew I had to talk to him sooner or later. I choose later.

I had never dealt with breakups well, which was how I got involved with Ryan in the first place. I wasn't even sure what Ryan and I had could even count as a breakup. Why do relationships have to be so confusing? Why am I acting so immature about this? Why am I such a hot mess when it comes to relationships? Why? Why? Why?

I cried some more and ate an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's in a matter of minutes.

I thought about calling him back, but I couldn't make myself do it. My pride was too hurt. My heart still in pieces.

Maybe I'll deal with it tomorrow.

A/N: I know, I want to slap them too. Lol. I know this was a short chapter, but next one should be longer. Maybe they will resolve some of their issues, maybe more issues will pop up. We'll just have to wait and see. I may even surprise you and get another chapter out today.

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