Chapter 29- Waiting Game

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Within days, gifts began arriving. Lots of gifts. More than Ryan himself could handle. Dave and Lisa showed up, along with William and Erin. The guys helped Ryan with putting everything together. I heard a lot of cursing and a lot of banging things around. Knowing men, they were probably trying to put the crib together without reading the instructions.

Lisa and Erin helped me go through everything, since I was pretty much stuck on the couch. At least I could fold or place all of the tiny little outfits on hangers. I needed to do something to make myself feel useful. I was really glad they were here though. Ryan had a truly amazing family, and I absolutely adored them. They had made me feel welcome from the very beginning.

Bed rest was a lot harder than I had expected it to be. I didn't realize before just how much I had actually moved around just doing basic things. Now, all of these little things like getting a glass of water or feeding Sturgill were taken out of my hands and pretty much all Ryan would allow me to do was go to the bathroom, which at this stage was pretty damn often. Showering and brushing my teeth were pretty much the extent of my activity level.

The remainder of the week went by pretty uneventfully. No more contractions and I felt fine. I just had to get through the weekend.

Lisa stayed with me while Ryan was in Kansas. He had a pretty good race and finished seventh.

My follow up with my doctor went well. My bed rest restriction was relaxed a bit, and I was just instructed to take it easy. Whatever that means.

The next race in Texas was a mess. Persistent rain forced the postponement for three days. I tried to send Lisa home, but she refused and Dave ended up joining us. They finally got the race in and a solid fourth place finish, then Ryan was back home. It felt so much longer than three days.

Two more races left in the season and Baby Blaney was hanging tough. Lisa, and sometimes Dave were staying with me while Ryan was gone. Team Penske had been having Austin Cindric on standby, just in case, and would continue to do so.

A second place finish at Martinsville, which Chase won and locked himself in the final four came and went. I was feeling more and more restless as the last few weeks passed. I just could not get comfortable and the baby stayed pretty active. We were playing a waiting game with no idea how things were going to pan out, but there was no indication that Baby Blaney was ready to make her arrival. On one hand, I was tired of being pregnant, but on the other, I just wanted to keep her in my for as long as possible. I was visiting my doctor weekly, in fact, I had just seen her two days ago and had not dilated anymore, so we were able to relax somewhat.

Family members were allowed at Phoenix, not that I could have gone anyway, but it still stung a little bit. I had talked to Tracy, and she was beyond excited to be there to watch Chase run for the championship. It really blew my mind that they were still together. I guess Ryan and I were living proof that a one night hookup could turn into so much more. I wished them nothing but the best. Dave decided that he would go to Phoenix with Ryan, so that he would have a family member there, even though Erin was there with William. I felt so bad that Lisa was going to be here stuck with me yet again, but she swore she didn't mind at all. I hated feeling like such a burden. I expressed this concern to Ryan, I may have even whined a little.

"Don't you ever think of yourself as a burden. You are an absolute badass. I know none of this has been easy for you, but you've handled it like a trooper. Everything that has happened this year. Every setback. Every obstacle. Every negative thing about you, not to mention the scare. You are a badass and don't you ever forget it." He said adamantly, the words and praise enough to bring tears to my eyes.

"Well I guess I'd better polish my crown because I guess all of that makes me Queen badass bitch." I laughed through my tears.

"Absolutely. You're my Queen. Always." He hugged me tightly. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. She's not quite as active, so I'm able to rest a little." I replied.

"Is it okay that she's not as active?" Ryan asked, concerned.

"Perfectly normal. In case you've haven't noticed, she doesn't have a whole lot of room to move around." I laughed, pointing to my hugely distended stomach. I actually felt pretty good, especially when my doctor said it looked like I might make it closer to my due date.

"I love you. I'll be home before you know it." He said, kissing me goodbye.

"Not too soon. Finish out this season on a high note." I kissed him back.


This was a great race. Ryan was running strong and was happy with his car. I watched intently as he ran in second position. Just as he was about to take the lead, of course I had to go to the bathroom.

I stood up and stretched, trying to ease the achy soreness and dull pain in my back, when suddenly a flood of wetness was released. Please don't tell me I peed on myself.

I looked at the growing puddle between my feet. Uh oh. Not pee.

"Lisa." I yelled out in a panic to my mother in law, who was in the kitchen cleaning our few supper dishes. My feet were frozen in place.

"What is it honey?" She asked, but her eyes had grown wide.

"I think my water just broke."

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to get something out.

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