Chapter 21-Fallout Begins

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Things ended up going pretty good meeting the Blaney's. Dave was pretty quiet and had a very dry sense of humor, much like his son. Lisa was warm and friendly, and immediately made me feel at ease. By the end, I felt accepted by them and a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

I wish I could say the same for fan reactions. After the announcement had been made, the comments were dropping like crazy. There were a lot of nice ones offering congratulations, but there were a lot of nasty ones as well, and those were the ones that stuck out the most in my head.

Ryan scolded me for even looking at them, and reminded me once again to stay off of social media for a while. I was not used to not fighting my own battles. I wanted to defend myself against the personal attacks and name calling directed at me, but I was advised by the PR team not to comment, that they were handling the situation.

More press releases were sent out, advising people not to engage in personal attacks. That it would not be tolerated. People were being blocked left and right as a result.

I hated this. I was not this awful person people were claiming me to be, and I felt so powerless to stop it. Ryan was also advised not to comment, as to say anything would be "feeding the trolls," and "giving them the attention they were seeking."

I guess this is the price you pay when you marry someone famous.


Mother's Day was spent with a small cookout at the house. I got to meet Ryan's younger sister Erin, who is an absolute sweetheart. We hit it off immediately and my heart swelled when she posted about her "amazing new sister in law." I couldn't help but hope that Erin's seal of approval, and the fact that she was so well liked might get some of the fans off of my back.


The rest of the week was pretty busy for Ryan, as they were preparing to go back to racing the following Sunday. Sadly, I would not be going with him to Darlington. Social distancing protocols were in full effect. No fans in attendance. Reduced team members. Reduced media. No overnight stays at the track. No wives or other family members allowed. The goal was to limit the number of people present to essential personnel only.

Ryan had to spend some time in the simulator to get back into the feel of everything. He had several video chats with Todd and other team members, and several media teleconferences. Of course the media wanted to know all about how one of NASCAR's most eligible bachelors ended up getting secretly married. He did his best to sway questions back to racing, and I couldn't help but be thankful for the reduced media on race day. Drivers were going to be isolated for the most part, so there would not be much interviews at all.

Ryan had to leave early Sunday morning to make the two hour drive to Darlington. My pregnancy hormones were raging and I was feeling weepy and needy, two things I despised of myself and I did my best to put on a brave face.

"I'll be home tonight. Stay off of Twitter." He reminded me yet again.

I nodded. "Be careful." I said, trying not to start bawling.

"I will. I've got my girls to come home to. If you need anything, call my mom and dad or Erin." He pulled me into a hug.

"Okay." I replied, but I could feel the tears burning behind my eyes, threatening to spill over.

"Don't cry babe. Please. I can't leave you like this." He wiped the tear from my eye.

Now I felt guilty. The last thing I wanted was for him to worry about me. "I'll be fine. It's just hormones." I said.

"I love you. I'll be home before you know it." He said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too. Good luck and stay safe."

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