Back allies and military uniforms

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I walk down the street, my short heels clicking on the side walk when I see Bucky stepping out of a drafting office. Uniform on. 

"Bucky!?" I ask staring wide eyed. He had occasionally told us that he was going to do it, but I didn't think he would really. 

"Sarah!" He says a smile on his face as he comes over to hug me, but I push him back. 

"What sir, is this?" I ask gesturing up and down his body. Chuckling nervously Bucky says "Ohhh this old thing? I-I yeah, I've got nothin'."

"I can not deal with both you and Steve. Both of you are very reckless but courageous boys and way to much for me to handle." I say jokingly exasperated as I begin to walk away from him. 

"Is that a new dress?!" Bucky yells from behind me making people turn. I hear him run up behind me and jog to keep up. My legs may be shorter than his but I am much faster. 

"Come on Sar, I'll be fine." He says turning me to look at him. 

"I know Buck, but once Steve finds out he's going to try even harder to go. He doesn't do anything without you. If I lost my brother and you I don't know what I would do. Hell, maybe I'll come just to keep you two in check." I say laughing making a grin strike up on his face. 

"Where were you headed?" Bucky asks taking my reading books from my hands. 

"Headed toward home. Steve said he was going to the theater to watch some cartoons today, but I was thinking about heading to the theater to see if I could wait for him." 

"I'll come with you." Bucky says as he begins to walk again. 

When we get to the theater we hear muffled talking in on of the back allies 

"I can do this all day." 

"Oh boy." I look at Bucky and he's heard it as well. Steve. 

Running as carefully as I can from behind Bucky, we get down to the end of the ally. I jog passed Steve's attacker as Bucky pulls him back. 

"Pick on someone your own size" Bucky tells the man as I help Steve up. The man throws a punch, causing me to gasp, but Bucky dodges. Bucky throws a punch right back at the man, which he's unable to dodge. Kicking him in the arse, Bucky sends the man stumbling away as I help Steve dust off. 

"Sometimes I think you like getting punched." Bucky tells Steve as he whipes a little blood off his lip. I grimace making him turn his face toward me. I attempt to look him over, but he shrugs my hands away. I am only a little bit taller than Steve, it's really quite funny. If you were to line Steve, Bucky and I up it would be a small medium and large. 

"I had him on the ropes." 

"Ahh how many times is this?" Bucky asks picking up yet another attempted enlistment paper. "Ah your from Params now. You know it's illegal to lie on the enlistment form." Bucky says as Steve finishes wiping blood off his face. Looking up, Steve sees Bucky's uniform. 

"You get your orders?"

"The 107th Sergeant James Barnes. Shipping out for England the first thing tomorrow." 

"Tomorrow?!" I exclaim making both Bucky and Steve look at me in surprise and shame. I understand why Bucky has to do it  and for that I have to deal with his choices. Doesn't mean I have to put up with them. To be honest, I've known Bucky since we were kids, and since we were kids I've liked him. What if Steve were to go and Bucky. I could lose them both. 

"You both put me through hell every single day. I love you both, but can't you see? I am a woman there is no 'oh wait for me!' that I can say. Oh for Heaven's sake!" I exclaim my hands flying all through the air. "I'm going home before I faint of fright." I say storming past Bucky, grabbing my books from his arms. He attempts to grab my arm but to no avail.

"Sar! Come on!" Bucky yells after me. I don't answer, instead I walk home as quickly as I can. I change out of my new powder blue dress and put on a white one with floral flowers. I put a little blush back on my face, and as I'm about to clean the kitchen the door opens and closes. I don't make a sound as Bucky and Steve walk into the small kitchen. They sit at the table turned toward me, I try my best to ignore them but soon their silence simply annoys me more. 

"What do you two want?" I snap. They know they've made me angry. After all we did as children I understand when they do stupid little reckless things. It's normal for them, but this is war

"Sarah, I'm sorry." Bucky says sincerely "but I have to do this. People are dying, I can help." 

"I know why Buck." I whisper attempting to force the tears back. "I" I sigh looking up and the both of them. Who look concerned for me which is a bit ironic. "I- I lost my job today at work." I admit making both of them widen their eyes. 

"How come?" Steve asks worried.

"They had enough employes, most of which are men. They felt I was...unqualified. As they put it." I say "I'm sorry for getting angry with you both. I support your decision Bucky. Just come back." He nods a small, sad smile on his face. I turn to Steve who has his head dipped in disappointment. "And you Steve, there are so many dangerous things about what your doing, but the reasons are the same as they are for Bucky." His head shoots up a big grin on his face. "I'll try to find another job tomorrow" I say sliding the news paper away from me and whipping my hands on my dress as though I've touched something impure. 

Putting on the biggest smile I can I turn back to the boys "Bucky, didn't you say there was a fair tonight?" I ask. My smile seeming to be contagious as Bucky smiles as well. 

"Yes! Steve go get cleaned up! This will be a wonderful distraction." He tells us. Steve, groaning but smiling does as he asks and heads to his room. Bucky, a stupid smile still plastered all over his face comes over to me and takes my hands. 

"Sarah, will you do me the honor of going to this fair with me?" He asks. I laugh, giddy with excitement now. 

"Yes you yuck" (a term for someone foolish or stupid) I say teasingly and Bucky wrapps me in his arms. 

"I'll come back doll" he whispers

"You better." I whisper back, my heart attached to those very words. 

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