The end...of the line

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The wind whips my hair as we stand on the edge of the plateau. I stand between Bucky and Steve as we watch the zip line sways in the wind. 

"Do you remember when I made you ride that ride at Coney Island?" Bucky asks taking my advice from the night before

"Yeah, and I threw up?" Steve asks 

"This isn't payback for that is it?" Bucky asks, making Steve chuckle. 

"Now why would I do that?" He asks, turning back to the crew. 

"Schmitt must want him there badly, he just gave them to open up the throttle." 

"We have about a ten second window" Steve says turning back around and grabbing onto the first zip line hanger. "Any longer and we're bugs on a windshield" 

"Let's get going bugs!" Dum dum Dugan laughs loudly slapping me on the back. I roll my eyes but attempt a smile at him all the same. 

First Steve, then me, then Bucky. I hit the train hard, the cold metal seeping through my glove immediately giving me no protection against the cold. 

Silently, we all begin to walk as quickly as we can. Finally, we spot a ladder and Steve climbs down first. I follow him, but not before making sure Bucky's still on behind me. 

Once we're down the latter and into the train car we're all on edge. Soon though, I straighten up. 

"Where is everyone?" I whisper, but Steve just shakes his head. I follow Steve through the doors connecting the cars, only to hear them close harshly behind us. Throwing myself to the window on the door Bucky and I's eyes meet. His eyes reflect my own raw fear. Seperated. We can't be separated. Not again. Quickly though, he turns. Shooting at the Hydra soldier, I see him duck out of sight. 

Steve taps me on the shoulder, and I turn to face him. Except it's then that I realise that we're not alone. A man with a giant gun stands feet from us. Looking at each other Steve and I attack. The man lands a few blows. His gun firing blue orbs hitting Steve's shield. Finally, I punch the man earning Steve and opening to throw his shield. It hits the man in the center of his chest sending him on his ass. 

Kicking my foot down I punch the man, knocking him out. Steve runs over, firing the man's gun and blowing a hole through the door. On the other side I hit the button that opens Bucky's door. Steve throws him a gun before they nod at each other. Steve rams a crate causing the man firing at Bucky to drop to the side of the floor. Bucky shoots him twice in the chest. 

" I had him on the ropes" Bucky says 

"I know you did" Steve tells him

Suddenly, I can hear the gun firing up from behind us. "Get down!" Steve shouts as Bucky grabs me and Steve pushes us both behind him. 

The explosion causes Steve to land on the other side of the container. I groan as Bucky picks up Steve's shield. A gun in his other hand. He begins firing as the man fires up his gun again. 

Dragging myself off the floor as quickly as I can I tackle Bucky to the side. I feel the blast hit my back, twisting me around and out of the hole the gun made in the side of the train. 

For a few seconds I'm airborne. Then my hand closes around a bar in the side of the blown out train wall. I swing there for a couple seconds before pulling my other hand up with it. 

"Sarah!" I hear Bucky's voice call from inside the train car. I peer up for only a second my eyes meeting his and then darting away as Steve's form comes to the side of the car. He looks like he's in pain. I can't tell why, he doesn't look hurt. 

"Sarah one hand at a time...come towards us." Steve says as though he's coaxing me towards him. I do what he tells me to. One hand and then the other. 

"Reach for my hand Sarah!" Bucky shouts. One of my hands slip and I look up at him before pulling myself back up. 

"Bucky-" I whisper, my hand reaching out. Our fingers touch

and the handle bar breaks. 

Our fingers brush and I begin to fall

Vaguely, I hear Steve scream my name. It's lost to the wind as my body falls through the air. 

I get closer and closer to the ground the mountainous walls around me coming into range

I feel pain

and then nothing.

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