The circus

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The days go on and on. They add me in just a little more everyday. I'm never where Steve is though, not unless you count when Hitler is holding me captive and my older brother comes and saves the day!

It goes on like this for weeks. Bigger and bigger shows more and more people. Men who show up ready to shake my brothers hand while they hold money behind their backs to me. As though I would take it and lead them away. Steve thinks it's all stopped. He offered to punch them, or stop. Every day he makes money for us, and every day he has just a little bit of fun. I won't ruin that. 

Suddenly, one day, they show up with news. We'll be performing for the men on the front. We should be ready to go in an hour. 

Steve doesn't like the idea of going there, especially because we perform for younger kids. He tries. If there's one thing Steve is, it's determined. 

We get there and he tries so hard to perform as best as he can. I'm sure he's incredibly embarrassed. Men his age, doing what he wanted to do. Now, he's dressed in a costume pretending to be someone he's not. 

"Bring the ladies back out!" One of them shouts 

"Gentlemen, please!" I yell annoyed as they throw a tomato at Steve. 

"We asked for ladies! Not a heffer!" One of them shouts 

Steve takes a step forward, ready to jump right off the stage and strangle the guy. I hold my hand up, stopping him from doing it. 

"They're children with guns" I say loud enough for them to hear "Let them use their hands." I say equally as loud before shouting for the girls to come perform for them.

Steve follows me off stage and into the back. He doesn't mention what I've said, but I can tell he's surprised. I'm angry and fed up, something he hasn't seen in months. I would still be containing it now, but it's too much. Someone needs to tell them that women can do what they can do. 

"Hey, Sarah" Steve says gently, trying to put his hand on my shoulder. I don't let him. 

"I can't do this anymore!" I cry out, whipping around. He takes a step back surprised. "I'm sorry Steve! I know that this is as good as it might get for you and I tried. I swear I tried. I just-" I sigh tears slipping down my face. "For months, men have wanted nothing more than to sleep with me. They don't see me as a symbol for courage or those at home. They see me as something to be used. Not a supersoldier. Not a woman. A THING." I cry 

"Sarah, hey!" Steve says cutting me off gently "It's ok. It's ok. We don't have to do this anymore." He whispers into my hair as he pulls me into a hug. "We'll wait for Bucky. He'll back home soon. We'll be there and surprise him huh?" Steve suggests. 

I nod into his chest, as my tears soak his suit. 

The rain falling does nothing to lighten my mood as Steve and I sit on the steps to the stage. I'm sitting in the rain, letting it get me wet. Absolutely no care in the world. Moments after I really begin to get wet I see Steve and Peggy talking. 

When I walk up to the two I hear Peggy say "So those are your two options? A lab rat or a dancing monkey?" 

"You both were meant for more than this you know?" Peggy says watching me approach them.

We watch as the rain falls for a little, Peggy and Steve don't say much. So I stay quiet too. Suddenly the sound of honking snaps us all out of our thoughts. 

"It looks like they've been through hell." Steve whispers 

"Them more than most. Your audience was what was left of the 107th." 

"The 107th?" I ask, my eyes growing 

"Come on!" Steve shouts backwards at Peggy but I don't even bother to turn around. I don't bother to look back. Bucky. He's the only thing my brain will think about. 

When we get to the colonel, Steve almost begs him to tell us what happened. Where was he? James Buchanan Barnes. 

He sighs, turning away from us. "I've signed more of these papers today than I would like. The name does sound familiar. I'm sorry." In seconds I feel like I could die. Someone's hurting him or he's dead. 

I don't hear what Steve and the colonel say to each other. I only follow Steve when he links his arm through mine pulling me with him. 

"We're going to go save him." Steve whispers, breaking through my daze. 

"I love him Steve." I whisper "We have to." Steve isn't surprised by the omission, and if he is he hides it well.

Steve grabs a bag shoving some things into it, I grab two helmets from the shelf. 

"What are you going to do?" Peggy asks "Walk there?" 

"If that's what it takes." Steve says, the two of us blowing past her. 

"Steve! Sarah!" Peggy calls after us as we start to get into a car. 

"Did you mean it?" Steve asks her abruptly "Did you mean it when you said I was meant for more than this?" He asks 

"Every word." She answers 

"Good, then you have to let us go." Steve says, starting up the car. 

"I can do better than that."

Sorry, it's a little bit shorter this time, next one will be longer xoxo

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