What happened?

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I sit on the bench silently, taking in everything Steve has told me. Both of us have vials of blood sitting next to us on tables. The nurses swarming around us attempting to get enough blood to create what Dr. Erskine was able to accomplish. 

"So he's dead?" I ask 

Steve nods his head, his shoulders slumping forward momentarily before he straightens again. The nurse pulls the needle out and he stands, pulling his sleeve down. The faith he had in Dr. Erskine was the only thing that kept him going through his fear. Steve kept me going so in a way I suppose the both of us owe Dr. Erskine everything. 

"What now?" I ask once the needle is out of my arm and I'm standing as well. 

Steve and I look towards Peggy, but she looks as exhausted and confused as we are. Suddenly, the sound of voices comes from down below. Senator Brant, the Colonel and another man walk past Stark and the Hydra man's sub. They have a brief conversation before the colonel turns to Stark and Stark begins talking. Taking our cue Peggy, Steve and I walk down the stairs and to where they stand.  

"Great why don't we start with how a German spy got a ride to my secret instillation in your car?" I hear the colonel retourt . Without a pause he yells down to Stark who's dismantling and closely inspecting the German soldiers sub. "What have we got here!?"

"Modestly speaking. I'm the best mechanical engineer in the country. I'm not sure what's in this thing or how it works. We're not even close to anything like this technology."

"Who is?" One of the men ask

"Hydra." Phillips says solemnly "I'm sure you've been reading our briefings"

"I'm on a number of committees colonel." The man replies before Peggy butts in 

"Hydra is a Nazi deep science division. It's led by Johan Schmidt. But he has much bigger ambitions."

"Hydra's practically a cult." Phillips continues "They worship Shmidt they think he's invincible."

"So what are you going to do about it?" The man asks

"I spoke to the president this morning." The colonel says turning his back to walk away as he continues to talk "As of today the SSR is being retasked."

"Colonel?" Peggy questions 

"We are taking the fight to Hydra. Pack your bags Agent Carter. You too Stark." He says turning his head from Peggy back to Stark. We're flying to London tonight."

Before I can stop him Steve's turned, his shoulders squared as he address the colonel. "Sir? If you're going after Shmidt I want in."

"You're an experiment." He says turning towards Steve "You both are. You'll be going to Alamogordo." 

"The serum worked." I say fired up. Damn right we're experiments. Damn good ones

"I asked for an army and all I got was you two. You two...are not enough." He says before turning his back on the both of us. Steve and I watch him go, before he's completely out of the room another man approaches us. 

"With all due respect to the colonel I think he may be missing the point. I've seen you in action Steve. More importantly the country's seen it. And to know that a woman has the same abilities as a man can empower those at home. Besides giving the men something to look at." The man laughs, nudging Steve. Steve doesn't laugh with him, he doesn't even crack a smile and for that I'm thankful. "Paper" The man says snapping his fingers. 

In seconds the man standing near him is over to us with a paper. On it, is Steve holding onto a car door. The caption reads Nazis In New York: Mystery Man Saves Child 

The man puts his hand on Steve's shoulder "How would you two like to serve on the most important battlefield of this war?" He asks not once looking at me for consent. Instead, his eyes never leave Steve's. 

Steve looks away from the man momentarily. His eyes meet mine, and I can see how much he wants to say yes. He won't say it though, not unless I say it too. I smile gently, and nod my head once. Everything inside of me screams that we have no idea what we're getting into. I guess we'll just have to wait and find out. 


" I don't know if I can do this" Steve breaths out. 

"Yeah, well at least you don't look like this." I whisper. My cheeks burning red. A little skirt sways around my hips. A tight shirt is tucked into my skirt. It's sleeves running like another skin all the way to my hands. A piece of cloth also with the pattern of the American flag ties my hair back. Makeup cakes my face. My lips are bright red and eyelashes long. I'm nothing more than eye candy for men. 

I look up at Steve who's looking down at me, sadness in his eyes. He knows what I'm thinking, he knows what they've done to me. Why they've done it to me, and what it will do to me. 

"It's easy." A man says coming from the shadows "You sell a few bonds. Bonds buy bullets. Bullets kill Nazis. Bing Bang boom. You're both American heros." 

"Not how we pictured getting there." I whisper, and Steve nods. His eyes not leaving his form in the mirror. 

"Get out there." The man says to Steve handing him his cowl. "Take the shield, take the shield." He urges. I'm about to follow Steve through the curtains when the man's hand shoots in front of me. 

"Not you. You'll add in with the girls in a little bit." His tone has changed. It's no longer light. An obvious sign. He doesn't like that I'm here with this chance. More precisely, he doesn't like that a woman is here with this chance. 

I watch as the women sing and Steve says his lines. No one ever tells me when to go in...so I don't. Instead I watch from the side until the crowds cheer and cheer. Then someone pushes me out. 

With embarrassment etched into every edge of my face I do what they told me to do. I run gracefully out on stage, in some miraculous way not tripping in my heels, before coming to a light stop where Steve is. I put one arm through Steve's as the both of us put our arms up together. 

We both smile as hard as we can, maybe a little too hard. Cameras flash and people scream but over it all I hear Steve whisper 

"Where were you?" 

"In the shadows."  I whisper

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