Into darkness

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The next day Miss Carter has us all doing push ups. I am in no way as fast or as (physically) strong as the men here, but I am keeping up. Steve? Not so much.

"Come on ladies! My grandmother has more life in her, God rest her soul!" 

She has us get up after a brief rest and then has us doing jumping jacks. I hear Dr. Erskine call me over, but I look to Agent Carter first. Not for permission, but to show her I respect her enough to ask. She gives me a slight smile and brief nod. 

As soon as I'm near the men Dr. Erskine gives me a small smile and a nod and the the colonel throws a grenade right where I had been. I gasp taking a small step forward before Steve jumps on it yelling for all of us to get back. 

Once everyone realises it's a drill he gets up and off the dummy grenade. 

"was this a test?"


"Why are you so angry?"

"My goodness Steve I don't know!? Maybe it's because you jumped on a dummy grenade before knowing it was a dummy!"

"Come on  Sarah it's not that big of a deal-"

"What would Bucky say Steve huh?" I ask and he looks down, with a small smirk. I raise my hands in defeat and let them fall back to my side dramatically. Dr. Erskine pokes his head into my tent

"Sarah, would you mind if I borrowed your brother?"

"Oh no, he's all yours as long as you won't condone having another grenade thrown at him" Dr. Erskine smiles 

"I assure you he will not be provided with explosives to jump on"

I nod and Steve looks between the two of us

"oh I am so glad that I have permission to go. Thanks mom" Steve says smiling and walking toward Dr. Erskine

"You're welcome sweety don't forget your lungs I think you left one back here!" I say mockingly causing him to laugh and go into a small fit of coughing. 

"See! what did I say!?" I tell him with a laugh. Right as he moves to pull the tent door back, I say

"We'll be okay tomorrow...right Steve?" I ask. I know I shouldn't feel afraid, Dr. Erskine has done nothing but help but the whole idea drives worry into my mind

He smiles softly and gives me a hug. "we'll be just fine" He says

"Good night Stevie" 

"Good night Sar" 

I sleep right through the night, whether it be because of the physical strain or stressed nerves I won't know. Only that my life was about to change, whether that's for the better or not is not up to me to determine. Only fate herself can decide that. 


My eyes flutter open the next morning as the sunlight streams through the flaps of my tent. Apprehension of what today will bring fills me as I stand. I slip on my socks and shoes, throwing the uniform button up shirt over my cami. My pants and belt still on from the last night after falling asleep. 

As quietly as I can, as to not wake anyone, I sneak out of my tent and toward a ridge. The sun rises slowly, peaking just above the cliff I stand close to. Thoughts of today plague my mind. What might happen to us. What might not happen. Thoughts of Bucky, how nothing more I would give anything to be back in his arms. His lips pressed to the top of my head. Warm, comforting, home. 

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