The fair

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Steve, Bucky  and I walk down the steps of the Stark Expo. 

"I don't see what the problem is. You're about to be the last eligible man here. There are 2 million women here." Bucky says holding my hand tightly. Poor Steve. 

"Yeah, well I would settle for just one." Steve says 

"Good thing I took care of that!" Bucky says flagging down a girl with blond hair. 

"What did you tell her about me?" Steve asks, suddenly nervous.

"Only the good things." Bucky tells him. When we get over to the girl she eyes Bucky and I's clasped hands, in annoyance. Bucky introduces her to Steve, to which she takes little notice. The only thing she notices is Bucky, Bucky's lips and Bucky and I's hands. Once the introductions are finished we begin to wander around. Stark sure knows how to create some pretty cool things. Soon, we get to a crowd and the girl, who is supposed to be with Steve takes Bucky's hand pulling him toward the crowd. I let go and fall back in pace with Steve. Bucky's apologetic face looks back at me, but I just smile and wave for him to go on. Who does she think she is anyways? My brother is a catch. 

"Sorry sarah." Steve says 

"Why are you sorry Steve? It should be Bucky and his little girlfriend that are sorry." I say upset. Today really isn't going how I thought it would. When we get to the stage Bucky and the girl are ahead of us. Bucky attempts to leave her side and hold my hand, but she doesn't let go of his arm. Steve tries to offer her some popcorn which she turns down with a glare and disgusted look. That's when I flip. I grab her arm leading her away from the crowd. She pretends to stumble over everything, finally when we're far enough away from everyone I give it to her. 

"First off, Bucky is my boyfriend. So stop hanging on him like you're some piece of jewelry. Second, you either treat my brother kinder or just go home. You are not here for Bucky, you are here for Steve. If you don't think Steve is a catch, which he is, then no one wants you here." I say fuming. At first she doesn't even respond she's so surprised. Then she rolls her eyes and walks away. I look back at Steve and Bucky. They're both eyeing me with amused looks. The look of the crowd makes me feel claustrophobic from here.  I turn on my heel and begin to walk toward a ladies room, or some open space. A little while later I hear Steve from behind me. 

"You thinking about going in?" He asks and I realise that I've been standing in front of the fair's drafting office. I turn toward Steve trying to smile as best as I can. 

"I'm sorry for making your date run scared." I apologize

"Don't be, she really wasn't very kind anyways." He says shrugging

"Were you thinking about going in?" I ask 

"Try my is a fair." Steve says smiling. 

"How'd you lose Bucky?" 

"Sarah, I am the size of a child. It was fairly easy" He says giving me a small laugh. 

"Do you mind if I wait for you?" I ask suddenly. 

"No that's alright." He says. We begin to walk toward the entrance, when Bucky's voice sounds behind us.

"Apparently Bucky's a better mother than we thought." I mumble making Steve laugh

"Where are you guys going?" 

"Thought I'd try my luck." Steve says gesturing backwards with his head to the office. 

"And you Sarah?" Bucky asks raising an eyebrow in amusement "you thinking about signing up?" 

"I want to help yeah, but I can't not in the way I want. So, I thought I'd sit and wait for Steve."  Bucky nods picking my hand up once more. 

"Then I'll wait with you." Bucky says. There's nowhere to sit so Bucky leans up against a wall as I stand gripping my purse. We don't say much, thanks to my nerves. Having Bucky holding on to me is just about the only thing keeping me sane though. Suddenly a man in an MP hat comes out followed by a woman. 

"Sarah Marie Rogers?" She asks addressing me

"Yes?" I ask making Bucky stand a little taller. 

"Come with me." She says. Not a question, a command. I look to Bucky who looks unsure. 

"I'll be back in a second Buck." I say pressing a kiss to his cheek and then following the woman. We come upon a room where Steve is standing talking to a man in a white lab coat. Steve's eyes grow to the size of saucers when he sees me. 

"Ah, Sarah! I'm glad you came. I am Dr. Erskine." He says holding his hand out. No man has ever offered a handshake to me before. I shake his hand firmly. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I say "What can I do for you?" 

"Do you want to kill Nazis?" Dr. Erskine asks his heavy German accent sounding around the small room. 

At first I think he might be joking, but when he looks back at me from his notes with an eyebrow raised I realize he's not. "I don't want to have to kill anyone" I say then realize that this might be what gets Steve in. I could save him, he would never forgive me. "I'm a woman, someone who is told can't fight on the front lines because of my gender. I know exactly how Steve feels. I think that all our lives we've had to deal with insecurities and bullies. I lost my job today because of one. Since I don't have a chance, I think Steve should." I say smiling at Steve. Dr. Erskine smiles at the both of us. 

"Okay then. Steven come with me. Sarah would you wait here a moment?" I nod my head smiling. 

"Bucks right out front Steve. Wait for me with him." I say. He looks unsure to leave me here alone but follows the doctor anyway. When Dr. Erskine comes in again he has his notes, a piece of paper, and a uniform in his hands. 

"Miss. Rogers I would like to offer you a chance."

"A chance at what?" I ask when he pauses 

"A chance to make a difference. To pave a road for yourself and other woman behind you. To not sit and wait for the man, but to run right ahead laughing." 

"By fighting?" I ask

"There is a program. I need one male candidate and one female candidate. It will change the tide of the war. You would have to go to training with your brother, and some other men. Though you would have a secured position no matter how you do." He tells me.

"You- you want me?" I ask. He smiles, understanding my confusion. 

"Well, yes." I think for a second and peak around the corner to Bucky and Steve who are lost in laughter. 

"Yes. Yes I will do it." I say turning back toward him, a smile on my face. 

"Wonderful!" He says handing me the folded uniform and slip. "I will see you soon." He tells me as a nurse escorts me back to the boys. 

When they see me they stand, ready to greet whatever comes their way. I grab Bucky and Steve's arms leading them into a private place. 

"What was that all about Sarah?" Bucky asks concerned

"I am coming with you." 

"What!?" They ask in unison

"Yep. I told you that I would follow you both until the end of the line when we were younger. If you go to war, to war I shall go as well." I say lifting my chin in triumph. I look at their concerned faces, but not even that can get me down. 

"Come on boys! I have a uniform to try on!" I say putting my arms around the both of them, pushing them forward into walking. 

I am just as good as a man. I am a can not and you will not stop me, because nothing can.  

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