Chapter 11 : Game Plan

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"When we get back to your Earth, we have to find out where they are. But more than likely The Tinkerer already came up with multiple outcomes of what you will do" Peter explains. I nod in response.

"Except us surrendering, he won't expect that" Miles says. I look at him surprised by his idea, "he's right, it's an unexpected thing so if you guys surrender, we can get him" Ganke nods.

"Okay, so you will not be there" I point at him, he frowns, "well why not ?" He questions, "Mr. Negative can convert you or worse, you die" Miles says.

Ganke hums, "fair point, I'll stay behind" he laughs. "So the plan, I go in act like I surrender then what ?" I ask Peter. He hums, "then we just...go from there ?" He narrows his eyes.

I narrow my eyes back, "bad idea but sure, whatever" I laugh shrugging, they laugh "no no, really we need a plan. Things could get back and we don't want that" Peter says.

"After I fake surrender...oh ! We should have a button or some type of call so I can alert you guys" I beam, "good idea, you can secretly shoot a web at the window will be by or door, whatever" Miles shrugs.

"I feel like your not putting your all into this plan, it's important Miles and if your not going to be committed then we can do this without you" I raise my brows.

He scoffs, "I am committed y/n" he crosses his arms leaning back into the seat, "it doesn't seem like it" I respond, "look, if you don't want my help just say that" he leans up.

"Let's not do this right now kids" Peter says stopping us. I let out a sigh along with Miles, "I can build a small gadget that you can press that submits a signal to ours" Ganke says.

"Great idea" Peter exclaims, "then we bust in there and kick ass" he adds holding out his fist for us to bump. I smile and bump fist with him then Miles and Ganke does.

"But, don't hurt Dakota" Ganke holds up his finger with high brows, we nod "that was the plan" I laugh.

Now that the plan is settled, all we need to do is get back to our Earth. Peter grabs his suit and says goodbye to Mary by kissing her, then her pregnant stomach. "Goodbye" she waves to us, we wave back smiling.

Ganke clicks the button for the portal to open then we step through it. Landing back on our Earth in Miles and I hide out.

"We still don't know where they are" Miles states, "stating the obvious here" Peter jokes making us laugh.

"You know your father, think" Ganke turns to me. I chuckle, "Actually, I don't know him at all" I laugh.

"Fair enough, well... he's not stupid enough to repeat his mistakes" he responds. I nod, "right" I respond.

"Then how do we find him ?" I shrug confused, we all look to Peter, "on my Earth Mr. Negative trafficked things..maybe he's doing it here too" he shrugs.

"So, we just need to follow any weird, sketchy..moving van ? Or truck ?" Miles asks with furrowed brows, "just a car" Peter shrugs.

We leave out the hideout after Ganke makes the device's, as soon as we get up we see how crazy the city is. "What the hell ? We were only gone for a couple of hours, what did he do ?" Miles exclaims looking around.

"He did this to my Earth too, he converts whomever he wants and they work at his will, but mine took a couple of days. If he did this in the span of 6 hours, he must be more powerful or gets around a lot" Peter explains.

"Well, it'll be easy to track him" I say seeing a bunch of guys across the street getting in a truck, "Ganke, the device" I hold out my hand.

He throws it and I catch it, "what are you doing Y/n ?" Miles asks stopping me from walking over, "I'm going to stop this guy before he turns to whole city into more of a mess" I state.

He huffs and let's my arm go, "when that truck stops, get to one of the roofs nearby as fast as you can before they see you and change into your suit then go inside" he states.

"I already thought of that" I say showing my web shooters then rush over sneaking on the back of the truck, throwing my hoodie on.


When the truck stops, I hurry and shoot my web going to the roof of the building. I hurry and put on my suit, I see Miles and Peter in the distance swinging.

They reach me and land on the roof, "if anything goes wrong, hurry and press the button" Peter nods. I nod and jump off the roof, the guards aim their guns at me "woah, I'm here for The Tinkerer. Tell him it's a truces" I smile.

They eye me then look at each other, one grabs his radio "Spider-Amethyst is here, she says she wants a truce with Mr. Tinkerer" he says.

I laugh under my breath, "Mr ?" I mutter. "What was that ?" The one who isn't speaking into his radio asks me, I shrug "it's funny you call him Mr." I say.

"Let her in" The Tinkerer says through the radio. They let me in, I walk inside taking a breath.

"A truce, never thought I'd see the day" he says walking down the stairwell, I eye him "well, here I am" I shrug.

"Is this because you want to find Liv ?" He smirks rubbing his hands together, "You didn't kill her ?" I ask him, he laughs "I'm not a monster" he smirks.

I scoff, "you killed your ex wife" I state. He nods putting his hands behind his back, "she killed me first... figuratively speaking" he shrugs.

I start to charge at him but I remember the plan, "it's behind us now" I nod. He hums, "and you've come to this conclusion, why ?" He raises a brow.

"Because...your my father" I force the words out. He laughs pacing around me, "I see" he says.

I watch him as he walks, "then let's call it truce" he holds out his hand stopping in front of me. I nod and extend my hand shaking his, with my other hand I press the button.

We let go of each other's hands, I give him a small head nod. "Boys, come take her away" he orders.

I look confused, "what ? We said it was a truce !" I shout at him. He smirks, "it'll take some time for me to believe you" he says.

Just then he gets punched, Miles reveals himself, he was invisible. I punch the guy to my left and Peter comes down kicking one of the other guys away.

"I see, a trick I didn't expect" Tinkerer smirks. "Too bad, she'll drop any second. Then your stupid plan is demolished" he points at me.

I narrow my eyes confused, then it hits, the room starts spinning. I take a deep breath as my vision gets blurry, "your welcome from the glove" he smirks then rushes off.

"Peter go after him, I got this" Miles says catching me as I fall. "hey, stay up. Your fine" he shakes me.

I hum nodding, "Miles, someone.." I try to get out the words. He hums, "" I warn him.

He sits me down quickly and starts fighting, my whole body feels numb. Whatever he injected in my body is working fast.

Once Miles finishes fighting the guys, we hear clapping. I try to move and see who it is but I can't, "well done Spider-Man" I hear the voice belonging to Mr. Negative.

"The plan was excellent, well put together but you did one thing wrong" he says. "What ?" Miles asks in a angry voice, "you underestimated me and Tink" he chuckles.

"Now your girlfriend, she's a goner for now" he says. I hear Miles grunt then fly to me, he lands beside me groaning, "and as for can't beat me by yourself" he adds.

~ To Be Continued ~

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