Chapter 15: Ready

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~ Miles POV ~

I walk around the negative verse, "Mr. morales" Mr. negative calls me. I turn around seeing him with his negative sidekicks.

"What is this? What do you want?" I stand my ground. He chuckles, "it's time to put my plan in motion" he snaps his fingers.

His lackeys come over, I web one of them to the ground and kick the other....just for more to appear out of thin air.

I glance at Mr. Negative through the small crowd of negative lackeys. He smirks, "have a fun fight".

~ Y/N's pov ~

"Please tell me you see traces of a quantum jump" I groan as Peter and I follow Ganke who's holding the quantum tracer.

"No, not here either" he shakes his head. I sigh along with Peter, "we've already been to like 15 other places" Peter complains.

"I'm just fine and I haven't been bitten by a radioactive spider" Ganke remarks.

Peter and I cross are arms looking at each other then Ganke, "did you just call us lazy?" I ask.

Ganke shrugs, "hey, here!" He exclaims changing the subject.

We look at the machine, "quantum shards" I mumble reading the machines data.

"We collect this and we have our code" Ganke exclaims pulling out the collecting machine.

~ Miles POV ~

I struggle to get up after getting kicked to the ground, "if you knew when to stay down, you wouldn't be so hurt" Mr. negative walks over.

I glance over at him as I try to hold my body up, he kicks me flipping me over on my back.

He smirks standing over me, "why...haven't you killed me?" I ask him with a cough.

"Don't worry. You'll be dead soon enough" he tells me. I furrow my brows.

He kept me alive for a reason, obviously. Now I just need to find out why.

"What do you mean?" I ask him. He hums for a second then chuckles, "wouldn't you like to know".

He then walks off without saying anything else. I watch him while pushing myself to get up.

I hold my side while standing my ground, "Negative" I call him.

He turns to me, "I won't give up. Not until you tell me why you need me" I state.

A chuckle leaves his lips as he shakes his head, "you needed to be here just long enough for your code to merge with mine" he speaks.

I look at him with low brows, "what are you talking about?" I mumble slowly stepping forward.

"What I need you for has to be on the same level of an atom code" he states.

"Your a smart guy, Miles. Figure it out"

I stand there thinking about it, then it hits me "you want me for my blood" I mumble.

Mr. negative claps, "but why" I ask him. He smiles, "that's where I shall keep you in the dark".

"I won't give you my blood" I state taking a deep breath, "you can beat me, Miles" he remarks.

"I won't be fighting you alone. Soon enough, you'll see" I nod cryptically.

~ Y'n's POV ~

"So, do we go in or find the identity of Mr. Negative first?" I ask Peter as we sit in miles and I hide out.

"The smarter plan would be to find Mr. negatives identify then knock him out but we're running out of time here" Peter responds.

"Mr. negative needs miles' code to merge with his..and miles has already been in there for almost two weeks now" he continues.

"So, the merging is almost complete" Ganke chimes.

"So we need to do this now, we can't wait and find his identity" I shake my head.

Peter agrees with me, "once that portal opens, Mr. negative will know and he'll send everything he has to kill us" he warns me.

"I know" I nod, "then you understand what we're walking into and it could be our deaths" he finishes.

"I know, I know's Miles" I respond.

"Ganke" Peter nods indicating its okay to press the button.

He presses the button opening a portal to the negative verse, "I'll bring Dakota back" I tell Ganke then we step in.

The portal closes behind us, "now, we just need to find Miles" I mumble looking around at the mirrored universe.

"Or he finds us" Peter adds.

We continue searching for Miles in places we think he'd be, "we searched everywhere, we are running out of time!" I state in frustration.

"We'll find him kid" Peter assured me, "yeah, after Mr. negative already has his blood" I mumble.

Just then a heard of mr. negatives people turns the corner, amongst them is Dakota.

- Miles POV -

I wake up in a bright white room, I start to move but my wrist and ankles are bound to something.

"Very reliable equipment" I hear a familiar voice. I turn my head seeing, "LIV?!" I let out in a shocking manner.

She's putting a needle together, "we've been looking for you! Forever! This is where you've been?" I ramble.

"Tink saved me" she rambles, I furrow my brows "what are you talking about?" I ask.

"He saved me" is all she repeats.

She's been brainwashed.

"Where are we?" I ask her as she flicks the needle turning to me, "a hospital. Can't you tell?" She grins.

"In the Negative verse?" I raise a brow, "the what? No" she nods.

"What? What do you mean no? I was just there!" I exclaim, "yes you were. But your friends made things messy. So Tink and Mr. negative brought you here, back to the real world" she explains.

"Now, this is going to pinch. Just a little bit" she smiles and nods. I try using any of my powers but nothing works.

"No, no no. Look at me Liv" I shake my head as she brings the needle to my arm.

"If you give him my blood...he will kill us all" I tell her. She glances at me for a second.

And in that split second, I swear I seen a look of help. Like the real Liv was shining through this facade.

But it quickly disappears as I feel the needle pierce my skin making me wince under my breath.

I watch as my blood flows through the IV to a blood bag.

Y/n and Peter are probably in the Negative verse right now...looking for me but I'm out here now.

Mr. Negative is going to kill them.

- to be continued -

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