Chapter 16: A Little Sacrifice

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- Y/n POV -

I punch one of Mr. negatives disciples back, "they just keep coming!" I exclaim out of breath.

"I don't know how much longer I can fight" 

Peter punches one away from me, "you can't give up, that's literally our whole thing..not giving up" he responds.

"Yes it is, and that might be your biggest problem" we hear Mr. Negative.

Each negative disciple stops attacking us, then Mr. negative walks through the crowd of them.

"If you knew when to give up, you wouldn't die" he chuckles with a shrug.

I bear up to fight along with Peter, "Aw, did we put a ranch in your plan?" Peter speaks sarcastically.

"Ranch? I thought it was wrench" I mumble, Peter glances at me "you a funky way of saying we...messed up his plan" he shrugs.

I narrow my eyes, "I've been in this game longer than you kid, don't make fun of my lingo" He turns back to mr. negative.

I chuckle, "alright, where is Miles?" I shout stepping up.

"Miles! Right, you came here to save your friend. Well your too late" he laughs.

My heart drops, "what do you mean? Where is he!?" I yell louder. He continues to laugh.

"Look at you all worked up, Miles is fine...for now" he shrugs, "I do plan to kill him" he adds.

"Just like I plan to kill you..and your spider friend" he looks at Peter.

I get angry and run over to him preparing to punch, but he knocks me down and I fly back.

He's super strong...

"You didn't put a wrench in my plan, in fact, you didn't effect my plan at all" Mr. negative chuckles.

"What are you saying?" Peter asks, "Miles' blood is being taken as we speak" he speaks then attacks Peter sending him flying back.

- Miles' POV -

I blink my eyes open looking around the bright white room, I glance over seeing one gallon of my blood only halfway full.

"You can't do this!" I try to get loose but I'm far to weak, "Liv, Liv look at me" I call her.

She turns from the computer, "all we have to do is take your blood and combine it with the cellular structure of a spider, creating more of the radioactive spider that bit you" she explains walking over.

"But you know this isn't a good idea, Mr. negative is a monster, we can't let him get more power" I mumble.

She stays silent collecting a sample of my blood from the gallon, "liv, if you continue this..I'll die" I tell her but she ignores me.

"If we don't stop him, Dakota will die too! She's your daughter" I try to remind her.

She then stops and turns to me, "we have to save Dakota" I nod.

"Don't listen to him, he murdered your daughter" Tinker walks into the room.

I shake my head as Liv starts walking back to the computer, "up the blood take" Liv tells The Tinker.

To which he does so, causing me to get dizzy again.

- Y/n's pov -

Peter is fighting Mr. negative as I look around for Miles in the negative verse.

But I can't seem to find him at all, it's like he isn't here.

I checked the hospitals, anywhere Mr. negative would perform the blood transfusion.

I come across a house, it looks different from the other buildings. In fact different from everything here.

It's regular.

Everything else is black and white but this house, it's a yellow house. Normal.

I furrow my brows and walk inside of the house.

Walking around the house, I pick up a picture of a guy with his family.

"This must be a safe place for Mr. negative. Something here is important to him" I mumble to myself.

I sit down the picture and walk to the two glass sliding doors then open them.

It's a office.

I walk inside to the desk and rummage through drawers until I find something that catches my eye.

Adam Bryant.

The name Bryant is everywhere. I find a ID with Adam Bryant's information on it.

Who is this and why is he important to Mr. negative.

Suddenly, I hear the door open. I stand up ready to fight but Peter stumbles in.

He's beat up pretty badly, "Peter" i rush over to him.

"I managed to get away for now but-" he stops and takes a breath, "we have to go now".

I furrow my brows, "what? Miles is still here" I shake my head. He shakes his head, "he..sent Miles to our world. Miles is there but he won't be alive for long" he explains.

I nod then rush back to the desk grabbing the stack of papers on Adam Bryant.

"Okay, press the button" I tell Peter who's barely clinging on to his breath.

"Not so fast" we hear Mr. Negative. He pushes Peter causing him to drop the machine.


Mr. negative eyes me, "I can't let you leave, then I'd have no fun" he chuckles.

I start to sit the papers down to fight him but he gets hit by Peter.

Peter webs Mr. negative to the wall, which obviously won't hold for long.

"You have to go kid" he turns to me. I look at him confused, "what? What are you saying?" I ask.

He presses the button opening the portal, "meaning, I'm staying behind" he states.

I shake my head, "what?! No!" I exclaim.

"We only have one machine! It's only capable of bringing us here and taking us back ONCE. I'm not leaving you Peter" I shout.

Mr. Negative breaks out of the webs, "he will kill you, he has no use for you" I state.

"You can finish this, save Miles and worry about me later" he states holding his side.

"Pet-" "Sorry kiddo" he cuts me off then pushes me back into the portal.

"No!" I call.

"Y/n! Where is Dakota? Peter? Miles?" Ganke turns me around.

I shake my head, "I couldn't get them" I mumble.

"What do you mean? What happened in there?" He asks with a worried tone, "Dakota, I couldn't save her without getting rid of Mr. negative" I explain.

"Miles is here now and...Peter stayed behind to defeat him" I nod, "but he knows the machine isn't strong enough to go back to the negative verse twice, right?" He responds.

I nod, "we have to find Miles" I place the stack of papers on his desk, "what are those?" He points.

"Papers on a Adam Bryant" I shrug, "Mr. negative had them".

"Bryant?" Ganke raises a brow. I nod slowly, "do you know that name?" I ask raise a brow.

"Kate Bryant" he shrugs, "Kate? As in...Miles' ex?" I ask.

"They didn't date but yes, Kate Bryant." He points up.

"Change of plans, you find Kate. I find Miles" I tell him.

"Ask her about her father, use these papers to help. When your done, we'll meet at our hideout and figure out a way to save Peter before it's too late" I nod.

"And Dakota" I add with a smile. He smiles and nods then I rush off going to find Miles.

- to be continued -

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