chapter six

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I slipped into my black, skin tight dress. Walking over to the mirror, I admired my curves.

The diamonds that decorated my ring, necklace, bracelet and heels sparkled. My face was lightly covered in makeup, but I wore some winged eyeliner, and my eyelashes were coated in mascara. I spread clear, shiny lipgloss across my plump lips before spraying on some perfume, grabbing my bag and making my way to the party.

Downstairs, music boomed and lights flashed.
Someone grabbed my hand and I found myself looking up at the face of Blaise.

"Come on Anne, I have something you might like," he said, and he showed me to a table where Draco, Asher, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy stood.


She stood next to Draco, her hand on his. She was giggling at something and obviously interested in him, and of course he had to be smiling with her.

I stood next to Asher and Blaise filled the line of shot glasses in front of us with fire whiskey.

"Okay. All of you have ten glasses in front of you, whoever takes the most shots or lasts the longest gets 10 galleons from me!" Blaise shouted.

All of a sudden, Draco stood next to me.

"Think you can take it, Blackwood," he sneered.

"Bring it on," I shot back.

"Three, two, one, GO!" Blaise shouted.

I grabbed the first shot glass and downed the drink, my throat burning. However, I took no hesitation in slamming the empty glass on the table and pouring the next glass down my throat.

After I had taken 7 glasses I looked around and saw that Draco was the only one left.

"Go Anne!" Blaise shouted.

I grabbed my next one and within a few seconds, I only had one left. I look to my right and saw that Draco stood next to me, there was 1 glass left.

"Fuck, I'm wasted," he said. "Shit. You look pretty destroyed too, are you gonna finish that?" he snapped.

I looked into his eyes and drank the shot, my eyes still locked with his.

"YESSSSSSS!" Blaise and Asher shouted.

I held my hand out and Blaise put the galleons in my hand.

"Try again next time, Malfoy," I sneered to Draco and Blaise pulled me away.

"Nice job. I knew you'd win," he said, high-fiving me.

"It was nothing," I said.

Izzy appeared at my side and pushed me onto the dance floor. Everyone crowded around me in a circle and shouted random things. Someone grabbed my waist and I found myself looking into the cold, gray eyes of Draco.

I moved my waist to the beat of the song, his hands still on them. I gazed up at him and saw he was looking down, smiling. He soon started to move his waist too.

We moved across the floor in unison, each of our moves corresponding to the other. I put my hands around his neck and moved my waist back.

I felt him harden under my touch, which made me smirk. I pulled away from him, winked and ran back to Izzy.

She screamed in my face and put a Muggle dollar in my cleavage.

"Where did you even get this?" I shouted over the music.

"My aunt works for the Ministry!" she shouted back.

I looked over across the room at Draco and saw that he was surrounded by Blaise, Asher and a bunch of other guys, all of them slapping him on the back and cheering for him.

I turned and walked to another table, where a cute seventh-year sat.

"Hey," I said. "You gonna finish that?" I asked, pointing to the drink in his hand.

"No, you can have it," he said, and he handed it to me.

I finished it in one gulp.

"You are quite the lady," he giggled. "I saw you beat Malfoy. Nobody ever beats Malfoy in shots," he said.

"Well, they do now," I tossed my hair over my shoulder.

His smile faded and he looked down at his hands.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, my face closer to his.

His green eyes met with mine.

"Everything," he said sadly.

"Anne!" I heard Blaise shout.

"Aw. I'm sorry to hear that. Hope this helps," I said and I pulled his face into a kiss with both of my hands. My lips parted and his tongue slithered into my mouth.

"Anne!" Blaise shouted again.

I pulled away.

"See you 'round," I smiled before getting up and going to Blaise.

"Hey, what the hell was that?" Blaise asked, a tone of anger in his voice.

"Oh shut up dad!" I yelled and giggled.

"Shit, you're done. Stay away from him okay, he's trouble. Well Malfoy's been looking for you, he's over there," he took my shoulder and pointed to Draco.

I giggled and ran to Draco, falling into his arms.

"I have been requested," I said, holding my finger up. I erupted into a fit of giggles.

He straightened me up so that I was on my feet. I could see that he was clearly furious.

"Why the long face?" I asked.

He pulled me away without a word and we walked through the dungeon together.

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