Taking it slow

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A/n: @AlSRLV wrote this

Mer's POV.

I slowly awaken to feel warmth radiating on my back. Strong arms encompass my body, making it hard to move.

I eventually roll over to find Derek was the mystery guy holding onto me for dear life. I quickly look down, thankfully, I still have my clothes on. I must've been blackout drunk, because I have zero recollection of what went down at that party.

The beating drums in my head tell me that I need an aspirin, but I can't seem to get out of his firm hold. As I try to shimmy away, I accidentally elbow him in the groin. Oops.

I hear a raspy groan escapes his lips and he releases his hold, realizing where I am. Shit. This doesn't exactly look good from his perspective. My face is now mere inches from his nono square and I'm on top of him. Oh, the mortification coursing through my veins is just glorious.

"What are you doing?" He groans, sitting up on his elbows, his nono square has grown a surprising amount since I haven't moved from my position.

"I-you-we-you cuddle very tightly and um, well, I-I needed to go to the bathroom but you didn't let go, so um, I had to move down because your hold lessened as I lowered." I stumble out, embarrassment heating my cheeks.

"Oh. Sorry." He mumbles, groaning again as he plops his head back on the bed, his hips moving upward with the current created. My face collides with his groin and a noise I wasn't expecting released from his throat. He moaned.

"I-uh, should go to the bathroom now." I crawl off him, a blush spreading over my face. He moaned.

I mean, sure, yesterday we had fun, but we didn't take it that far. It was just harmless foreplay. We didn't take it as far as sex. He had said he didn't want to rush things, so we just cuddled for a bit.

"Hey." I breathe out, exiting the bathroom. He's still in bed, he hasn't done much but roll to his stomach.

"Hey." He grumbles, obviously humiliated. It's quite cute.

"Do you want to get breakfast or something?" I ask hopefully, slipping back into bed next to him. It's warm and I'm cold, don't judge me.

"Sure." He rolls over and once again, leaves me surprised. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him, placing his head in the gap between my shoulder and neck. He's now practically on top of me because of the movement.

"Can it wait an hour?" He whines, moving his leg over so now he's squashing me against the sheets.

"McDonald's closes breakfast at 11." I wheeze out, somewhat because he's on top of me but mainly because the position were made me forget how to breathe.

"What time is it?" He asks, his voice vibrating my neck as he talks. He moves his face down, lips making contact with my neck. I am barely repulsing the moan that is fighting to be released.

"10:14" I squeak, scared if I relax, my body will react freely to his warm breath and strong hold on me.

"We have time." He nonchalantly whispers, moving his lips to talk against my skin. This time I can't help it, the noise frees itself from my throat and I know he heard it too, as I can feel him harden against me.

I guess now you're not the only one mortified." I chuckle, moving completely under him to be warm. It's like a fucking ice box in here. Has he ever Heard of a heater or electric blanket?

"Are were still taking it slow?" He sucks in a breath, hoping for an answer, but I'm not sure which.

"It's up to you." I settle on that response, hating making big decisions like this.

"Good." He growls, pulling me close to him by my waist and pushing his lips against mine. I gasp at the action, taken aback by his sudden urgency.

I react quick, my left hand moves to his hair, gently tugging and my right moves to his chest, feeling his muscles react to my touch. His lets out a groan when I give him access to my mouth, our tongues clashing in rhythm.

His hand moves to my pajama top, he traces his fingers along the hem of my bra, tugging. Just as things are about to get extremely heated, a phone rings.

"Damn it." He growls, searching for the demon that ruined our moment. Once the phone is found, he answers talking to someone with great care.

"No, I'm not sure we will...yeah, I know but....alright....yeah....love you too...okay...bye." He hangs up the phone, rolling on to his back next to me.

"Who was that?" I timidly ask. He said "love you too" who could that have been? Maybe his mom? He said he has sisters, didn't he?

"My mom. She wants us to come down for New Years." He smiles, rolling on his side to look at me.

"Us?" I ask, suddenly confused. Did he tell his mom about me? I didn't think we were that serious, maybe he did?

"Mark and I. Mark is my brother." He chuckles, noticing my hesitation. Brother. I don't have any brothers, that I know of at least. I have sisters, but I wouldn't really consider them that.

"Oh. Are you going?" I ask, wondering what I'll do for the new year.

"No, probably not. Why?" He moves a stand off my hair behind my ear, noticing my having tensed when he answered. There's probably a reason. There's a good reason why I don't see my mom so maybe he had one too?

"Why not?" I question, hoping I'm not being annoying.

"I'd rather be here. With you. Unless you have plans? Are you going home for the holidays?" He studies my expression, looking for something.

"Maybe." I answer honestly. I might just go back to see some old friends. I haven't seen Cristina in forever. Or Alex, I miss both of them.

"Oh, my mom is just so annoyingly protective, I just wish she'd leave me alone for once." He snickers, trying to wrap an arm around me but I pull away.

"I just forgot, I actually have to finish a paper before New Years. You should go." I roll out of bed, straightening my hair and shirt, watching him collect his clothes.

"Did I say something?" He asks, reaching to caress my chin, but I turn.

"Leave. Please." I hold open the door, watching him walk out.

How can someone be so utterly ungrateful? I would kill to have been shown as much love as he was, to have an overprotective mother, to have even a fraction of what he did. I just can't talk to him now. I need to calm down, I don't want to argue with him.

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