The answers

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She stairs down at me in shock, tears pooling in her eyes. The one thing I can't decipher, is if they're good or bad.

Meredith's POV

I stand there in shock I haven't even told him that I'm pregnant. We're to young for all of this I'm still 18 and Derek's 21. How are we supposed to raise a child and get married? Well I guess that the timing is right, I'm pregnant we could start a family. But what if that is not what he wants. I have to answer him so he doesn't think I don't love him.

"Yes I'll marry you!" I say still a little scared of what he will say about the baby in my stomach, but overall I so happy to be getting married to Derek. He is the love of my life and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. After I said yes Derek picked me up and spun me around. He placed the ring on my finger then he kissed me long and hard to the point where we were gasping for air when we parted ways. "Derek I have to tell you something." I say seriously with some tears forming in my eyes.

"Whats wrong Mer?" Derek asked concerned.

"I'm pregnant." I said quietly not wanting him to hear. He just stands there staring at me blankly. I don't know what to do. I must have stood there for about 5 minutes with him not saying anything. I start to feel the tears run down my eyes. I decided to do the one thing I'm good at, running. So I ran, I ran as fast as I could all the way back to the car. I drive I'm not sure where I'm going I just know that I had to get out of there. I end up driving for about an hour before stopping at a park where a bunch of families are playing. I ignore all phone calls and texts from Derek. I sit down on a bench and watch the families play and interact with each other. I feel hot wet tears run down my face I make no motion to wipe them, knowing that more will fall. How am I supposed to do this on my own? I'm not good enough for anyone. My mother never wanted me, my father left me, and now Derek's gonna leave me. He probably just thinks I'm some whore who cant keep her legs closed. After 15 minutes of sitting on the bench pondering what will happen next I stand up and decide that I am going to take a walk to clear my mind. I found a trial in the woods with some other families walking in front of me. I watch as the two kids fight over the toy they are playing with in the stroller. I can't help but imagine what this baby will look like if it'll be a boy or a girl. But as my mind slips into a daydream my rational thoughts get the better of me. About how I will have to do this by my self, how Derek doesn't want this. What if I am a terrible mother just like mine was, what if my baby resents me because I don't know how to love anything. I'm just a useless unwanted whore, why would I be a good mom. I'm so lost in my thoughts I don't hear Derek call my name. I turn a round with tears in my eyes looking at him.

 "Why are you here?" I ask him.

"Because you didn't let me say anything."

"What are you gonna tell me that you don't want this kid and you don't want me because I'm just some whore that you wanted to fuck and forget about." I say as more tears slip out.

"Why would you ever say anything like that. I can't wait to have a baby with you, and get married. You aren't just a girl that I wanted to fuck and forget. I love you." he says trying to keep his tears at bay. 

"You want to have this baby. Even if I am a terrible mother?" I ask.

"Yes, I want all of your babies. And you will not be a terrible mother, why would you ever think that?"

"Because my mother was terrible so why would I be any different?"

"You are different Meredith. You are so special and I love you to much for you to ever think those things about your self ." Derek says to me, as he pulls me into a hug.

"I love you to" I whisper into his chest. He guides me back to the car and drives us home. As we walk into the door I start to feel nauseous and I run into the bathroom. I feel Derek's hand hold my hair up as the other hand rubs my back, and he whispers encouraging words into my ears. 

"Lets go to bed." he says after I finish throwing  up. I nod before we walk together into our bedroom. I change into my Dartmouth t-shirt and a pair of black underwear, and brush my teeth. I slip into bed next to Derek. He pulls me closer so that I'm laying on top of him. We say our 'good nights' and 'I love yous' before we both fall into a deep sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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