Chapter 44

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It had been a long Monday, they had gone to school, work and visited the hospital, and done their food shopping.

Currently Owen sat on the couch watching the game with Noah. Mason was out with some friends. While Cameron had fallen asleep in Noah's room.

Cameron woke up rubbing her eyes with her little curled up fists. She sits up on the bed glancing around Noah's room but no Noah. She sweated he was with her when she had fallen asleep.

Her hand patted the bed looking for Ellie who for sure she went to bed with. But found nothing so she patted on her other side checking to see if Ellie was there. Nothing.

Her eyes glanced around the bed as she looked around for her stuffed elephant but nothing in sight.

Panic started to rise in her chest the more she realized Ellie wasn't with her. She tears started to pour down her chubby cheeks. She didn't like this at all.

First of all she woke up to no Noah and now she can't find Ellie. They had both gone missing.

Cameron needed to find her older brother Owen. She knew he had been home when she went to sleep unless he went missing aswell.

She had slid off the bed tears streaming down her faces. Little sobs escaping her mouth every once and a while. Her hand pushed open the door as her padded along the wooden floors down the hall.

Both Owen and Noah's attention were pulled off the table when they heard little sobs and pads of feet quickly come their way. Next moment Cameron was at the bottom of the stairs and then in Owen's arms. Clinging onto him for dear life.

Owen was surprised by Cameron how she had thrown herself at him. Sobbing into his arms. Owen rubbed her small back with his large as the other hugged her close.

"What's wrong baby?" Owen whispered into her ear. But he got no answer. Her sobs just picked up. Noah looked at Owen worriedly.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Owen ask. Cameron sunk her face more into his shoulder shaking her head. Anymore closer she would probably become a part of him.

"Then what's wrong?" Owen asked again.

Cameron didn't respond she just cried until they turned into little sniffles. She let her brother comfort her and once she felt she was ready to talk. She removed her head from Owen's shoulder to his chest so she could listen to his heartbeat.

Owen brought his hand up wiping away her tears. Noah got up to get her a tissue for her nose. Cameron still hadn't even noticed Noah was in the room with them.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Owen asked softly it broke his heart seeing his little sister so upset.

"W-When I-I-I woke up E-Ellie a-and N-Noah weren't t-there. T-They h-have g-gone m-missing." Cameron sniffled out. Owen bit his tounge. He didn't want to laugh at his sisters overdramtics even though he thought it was so cute.

"I'm right here silly." Noah said as he stood in the door way between the kitchen and sitting room. Cameron's eyes widen as her attention was brought to Noah.

She had already jumped off Owen's lap and into Noah's arms crying tears of happiness.Noah held the little girl close in his arms.

While Owen looked felt jealous from the amount of affection he gets off his little sister. He thinks that Cameron is starting to get attachment issues.

"I-I t-thought you w-wemt m-missing!" Cameron had pulled back squishing Noah's cheeks together with her two hands. The wrapping them back around his neck pulling close.

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