Chapter 56

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It has been a month since Robert's burial. Between everyone in the house they don't know how to feel. Is there that slight guilt that they have gotten over it so quick? Maybe.

It didn't take Cameron long to be back to herself. Every now and again, she will ask if they were visting Robert. That she had a new card for him.

It made the boys heart clench when they had to remind her that he wasn't here. But Cameron insisted on keeping the cards for him. That maybe she could even bring them to his grave. Mason suggested laminating them so they wouldn't get wet if it rains.

So now when you vist Robert's grave not only are there flowers but there is hand made cards by Cameron. A new one every time they vist.

The weather had started to get warmer. Since it was now Summer, May to be exact. Soon both Mason and Noah would be off school. Also Cameron would be finishing up as well, today was her graduation from Daycare.

So that meant in the next couple of months she will be starting proper school with her friends.

Julia had been practicing for the past week on the small little graduation with the older kids in the daycare. It was hard to get them to listen but some how she managed.

Cameron had been talking about the rehearsals all week to her brothers and how she can't wait to show them. Owen specifically took time off for Cameron because ever since he was given the main guardian role in the house, he had promised to always be there for his siblings cheering them on.

All the kids were lined up in a back room. All wearing black graduation gowns, something Julia had bought few years ago online. They all had a black paper graduation cap, that they made themselves. With their hand prints and names on them.

The main room had been moved around. There was a small stepping stool at the top of the room with a sheet over it, acting as a mini stage. Family members or friends stood on either side of the room leaving a little walk way in the middle up to the small stool. Julia stood at the top of the room, a small basket beside her filled with certificates and goodie bags.

Music started to play as the kids walked in pairs up to the top of the room. Flashes of cameras were going off as parents took pictures of their kids. Kids waved to their parents shouting them big smiles. Cameron's eyes scanned the room looking for her brothers.

Her eyes caught Mason as he was waving at Cameron to catch her attention. His phone out recording the moment. Owen and Noah stood on either side of him. Cameron sent them a big wave and smile. Tugging on Ava's arm who was standing beside her.

"Theres my brothers." Cameron whispered to Ava pointing out her big brothers.

Ava's eyes followed to Cameron's brothers smiling at them. "My Mommys are over there." Ava pointed to her Moms.

Cameron sent them a big wave.

They both then turned to Maya who's eyes searched the room in hope that maybe her father had shown up. Maybe even her mother decided to come back from her trip?

"Is your Dad here?" Ava asked. Maya took her eyes off the crowd shaking her head.

They couldn't say anything more because once they were all lined up at the top of the room. Julia started her introduction.

"Welcome family and friends, today we are here for a small graduation for these amazing kids. First we have some songs for you and the one by one the kids will come up and collect their certificate and goodie bag." Julia picked up her phone that was connected to a bluetooth speaker. The kids looking at her awaiting for her to play the song.

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