Chapter 55

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22 Years Ago...

In a small apartment sat a young couple. Only newlyweds. In front of them, on a wooden coffee table was something that could change their life.

A beeping noise was heard indicating the pregnancy test had it's results. Margert looked to her husband who had his eyes already on her. With a deep breath, she picked up the pregnancy test. Turning around to reveal the answer.

Her hand flew to her mouth as tears pooled in her eyes from the happiness. Robert took the stick out of his wife's hand to see the results. A big smile aching on his face as he pulled her into a hug.

"We're going to be parents." Margaret sobbed into Robert's shoulder.

They had been trying for six months, every test came back negative. They had started to lose hope and were looking into IVF or anything that could help. But it was too expensive especially for a newlywed couple. This result brought a happiness no one could describe. It lit the flame of hope up again.

Robert pulled away so he could see Margaret face. Cupping her face with his hands and running his thumbs over her cheeks. They rested their foreheads together.

"We're going to be parents." Robert whispered repeating what Margaret just said. She slowly nodded her head. "I love you so so much." He whispered. 

"I know you do." Margaret smiled as they stared into eachothers eyes.

"Are you not going to say it back?" Robert asked as he slightly pulled away. Margaret just look at him smiling.

Robert raised his eyebrow. Moving her hands from her cheeks to now her waist.

When Margaret didn't say anything he started tickling her. Making Margaret fall back on the couch laughing.

"Stop..." She finally laughed out after she couldn't handle the tickles anymore.

"Are you going to say it?" Robert's body hovered over her body. Raising his eyebrow.

Margaret nodded her head. "I love you."

Robert bent down and placed a kiss on her lips.

They would of never thought that twenty two years later that they would have four kids. Netheir less that they both wouldn't be here.

Present Time...

When Noah had gotten home with Cameron. He took her up to his room where they cuddled. Noah cried softly trying not to wake Cameron up as best as he could.

But it was like Cameron had a gut feeling that something was wrong with her brothers. Causing her to wake up and shift in Noah's arms. She slowly opened her eyes. Hearing small sobs she realized it was coming from Noah.

Cameron brought her small hand up to Noah's cheek. Letting her fingers feel the dampness of them. "Noah why are you crying?" She whispered.

Noah looked down to Cameron realizing he had just woken her up. "I'm not crying Cam." Noah sniffled. Some how trying to suck his tears back in.

"Noah lieing is not nice." Cameron pouted pulling her hand away from his face and crossing her arms as best as she could. Since she was trapped to Noah's chest.

Noah let out a sigh. "Can you just cuddle me? It would would make me feel better."

Cameron stared at Noah even though they were in pitch black. She slowly nodded her head and scooched herself up so she could be more closer to his face.

Her little hands found Noah's cheeks, carefully wiping away his tears. Then planting a small kiss on the tip of his nose. "Is that better?" Cameron whispered.

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