Chapter 22

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Third Person

Christmas was starting to creep in. There was now only two more weeks till the holidays. It was another Saturday in December. Everyone was home doing their own thing but also trying to keep a five year old entertained.

Owen and Mason were in the kitchen with Cameron. Mason sat at the island doing one of his last Christmas college assignments before the holidays. While Owen stood at the closed backdoor looking out at Cameron who was running wildly around the backgarden.

They had finally aloud her to go outside since she was getting bored and was prancing around the house like a reindeer. So they had to let her blow off some steam.

Noah was no help today since he wasn't bothered to leave the warmth of his bed today.

While Cameron on the other hand had been dying to go out. She wasn't aloud on her scooter because of the snow and because she could slip. But that didn't stop her imagination. Right now she was running away from the imaginary grinch. Pretending to hold a bunch of Christmas stuff. It was her mission to protect it.

"Come on we need to run before he catches up to us!" Cameron ran around the backgarden in circles giggling.

Pretending to leap of something every couple of times.

"I..think...he...stopped..." she said between breaths looking behind her to see if the imaginary Grinch was still chasing her.

Once she caught her breath again. She started running again.

"He's coming!!!"

Owen stood with a cup of coffee watching his little sister let her imagination run wild. His eyes were trained watching her incase she fell or hurt herself. He had told her to stay clear from the path because she would only slip.

Just then Owens phone started ringing. When he looked down Nathans name popped up.

"Hey Owen" Nathan spoke.

"Hey what you calling me for? Prince Naveen." Owen chuckled

"Only Cameron gets to call me that."  He grumbled. "But in anyways me and Josh are going out later to the Christmas party. Your still coming right?"

It had totally slipped Owens mind that there was a Christmas party for his police department tonight and he had told the boys that he would go.

This caught Masons attention looking up at his brother. Mason nodded he knew Owen needed a break and for him to go out himself.

Owen was hesitant. He looked back out at little Cameron was still running around without a bother in the world. Maybe he did deserve a break? He had been working really hard lately.

Cameron ran around but she was getting too caught up in her own imagination to realise what she was doing. As she was running around she avoided the path Owen told her not to go on.

Right now she was running at lightning speed in her preference. The Grinch was gaining up on her. She was getting tired but was too caught up in this imaginary chase. Causing her to trip over her own legs. Making her fall forward and just in Camerons luck the slippy path is where her head  landed.

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