Chapter 52

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This was finally Mason's chance to talk to Dylan. He stood right there by the entrance of the daycare with his twin brother.

"Mason what are you doing?" Owen glanced at Mason who was sending a glare towards Dylan.

Mason looked back to Owen. "I'm going to talk to that child."

Owen brought his hand up to his head, as he massaged his temple's. This was why Mason wanted to come drop Cameron off and it definitely wasn't because he wanted to go to the gym. "Your not scaring off some six year old, he is harmless."

Cameron tugged on Owen's jumper making him look down. "Why is Mason going over to my husband?" Cameron's head slightly tilted to the side.

Owen's eyes widened as he watched Masons figure approach the two small boys. He hadn't listened to what Owen just said.

"Hey Evan, right? And twin two." Mason looked down between the two of the twins.

"My names Dylan not twin tw__" Dylan started, he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't care. Now Dylan I want you to stay two feet away from my little sister at all times." Mason crouched down so he could be more at height with the twins.

"No can do buddy, she is my wife." Dylan patted Masons shoulder, who shrugged his hand off.

"I would advise it or else you will be six feet underground." Mason looked dead straight into Dylan's eyes but he didn't seem to be backing down.

"Old man, I think you will be there long before I will be." A small smile grew on Dylan's face.

"I'm not old, I'm nineteen." Mason started smiling but soon dropped. He wasn't old was he?

"Sure you aren't." This time Evan decided to join in. Rolling his eyes.

"No one asked for you to butt in little kid." Mason sent Evan a look. "Look it seems here that the only legal way of sorting this out is for you kids is to get a divorce, simple. Otherwise killing may become an option." Mason mumbled his last sentence.

"It takes too long. He should know about it." Dylan shrugged, using his thumb to point at his twin.

"Yeah, I was told it takes five to six working days. Which sounds like a very long time." Evan explained, which Dylan nodded his head agreeing. Mason on the other hand looked at the twins confused. He has heard that before, maybe off of Cameron?

"Dylan I swear to__"

"Hey what's going on here?" Owen had approached the three of them along with Cameron who had a big smile on her lips from seeing the twins.

"Nothing we're just having a nice conversation. Right boys?" Mason looked at the twins sending them a small glare before looking back to Owen and Cameron smiling.

Owen raised his eyebrow, he knew that wasn't what Mason was talking about. Mason stood back up.

Cameron ran over into Dylan and Evan's arms to give them a hug once Mason was out of the way.

Mason brought his two fingers up to his eyes and then pointed them at the twins. Owen smacked his hand down.

"How is this not bothering you?" Mason whispered to Owen.

"Oh it is, as long as they don't break her heart we won't have a problem." Owen whispered back. Mason raised his eyebrows in surprise. He wasn't expecting that.

Cameron pulled away from the twins slightly so she could their faces. "I hope he wasn't annoying you because he likes to be annoying all the time." Cameron whispered.

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