Bonus Chapter.2

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Cameron Age 12...

"Cam what do you want for lunch?" Mason had walked into the kitchen to see Cameron sitting at the island. She seemed to be drawing something.

"Nothing." Cameron mumbled out. She wasn't in the mood for any food.

"Are you sure?" Mason asked again. He knew well that Cameron couldn't cook. She was as bad as Noah. The best Noah could do was those premade packets.

"I said I didn't want anything." Cameron rolled her eyes.

"Okay no need to snap on me. What has you in a mood?" Mason leaned on the counter looking at Cameron. He would like to think he had gotten good at reading teenagers. Since he was working with highschool kids everyday, teaching them history. He would like to think he now knows how they work.

"Nothing leave me alone." Cameron gathered all of her stuff up and left the room.

She made her way to her bedroom. Falling straight onto her bed letting out a long sigh. She didn't mean to snap at Mason. She hadn't been feeling good all day. Her mood had changed completely. She had small little pains in her stomach. Plus every little thing bugged her.

After about ten minutes of lying on her bed, the slight pain in her stomach got stronger. Her hand rested on her stomach, the coolness slightly soothing the pain. Her eyes went wide when she felt something wet come out of her.

Cameron moved to go into the bathroom but it seems as if someone was in there before her. She knocked on the door. "I need the bathroom."

The door opened revealing Noah. "Chill. I'm coming out now. What's the rush?" Cameron had pulled Noah out by his wrist and then closing the door in his face not receiving an answer.

Noah just stood there looking at the door. Confused from his sisters reaction. He knocked on the door slightly worried about Camerons rush to the bathroom. "Cam are you okay?"

On the other side of the door. Cameron sat down on the toliet looking down at her underwear. A big red stain.

In school she had gotten a brief about what periods were. But she was never told what to do.

How would she tell her brothers? They wouldn't know what to get her. Never mind that, She didn't even know what she needed to get.

Another knock from Noah took Cameron out of her thoughts.

"Cam are you okay? Do you need me to get Mason?"

"Why do you need to get me?" Mason had came up the stairs joining Noah outside the bathroom. Cameron could only feel the heat appearing on her cheeks.

"Cameron is in the bathroom. I think there is something wrong she hasn't responded to me." Noah explained.

Mason this time knocked on the door. "Honey you okay in there?"

Noah looked at his brother weirdly. "Whats with the pet names?"

Mason looked to him confused. "I've always used pet names with Cameron."

"No you haven't."

"I have. I have called her sweetie, hon_"

"Can you two stop fighting!" Cameron shouted. She didn't want to hear their bickering.

"Cam what's going on? Are you okay? Your not dying or anything?" Mason pulled his attention back to the bathroom door.

Cameron raised her eyebrows looking down at the blooded mess. She wasn't dying but it looked like she should be. "Not exactly dying." Cameron shouted back.

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