#1634 Please Leave Your Discarded Epidermes at Home ~ anonymous

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People really need to be more considerate.

This morning, on the train, someone was metamorphosing. Yep. Outright. With the chrysalis and tendrils and the lights and everything. It was rush hour, but that person took up so. Much. Space.

I hope no one rags on me about this. I've been made fun of before, for apparently making too big a deal out of it. Of course it was by my sister, which is funny, because more things piss her off than they do me.

It's just, this pisses me off especially - I mean sure, it's not like taking a dump in public transport or, you know, taking a rosary out of your bag and praying loud enough for the whole car to hear. But it's still barbaric. Yeah okay it's a natural phase, we all go through it every now and then, some of us more often than others due to factors beyond our control... but if you ask me, you really have to have the decency to keep it in, you know?

I don't get why some people just can't wait until they're in the privacy of their own homes to do things like that.

Understandably, nobody paid much attention. Some people stared, but not in the "ew, dude, get a room" way that I did, but more in the "huh. That's funny" way, and then feigned disinterest after a few seconds and looked away. I probably didn't. I might have stared until it finished, and then stared accusingly at the regrown adult a little longer.

In this country, you grow up asking yourself, "Is this worth the fuss?" Is something annoying worth the trouble of getting angry, would getting angry do anything about it? Would it help matters to bring other people's attention to it? Is it worth picking a fight on the train over, and possibly getting caught on somebody's cell phone camera, and becoming an instant YouTube celebrity? After all, there are tons of metamorphosis vids on the Web (geez) but it's the "amalayer" vids that get the most hits.

Sometimes, people decide that the best they could do to deal with uncomfortable situations is grumble loudly. I was tempted to do it, at that moment. But I just told myself, it wasn't the first time I'd seen a public molting, and it was highly likely not the last, so it wasn't even worth the grumble. Staring angrily was the best that I could do.

Sorry to friends who are pro-public metamorphosing - I know, I know, I'm being unreasonable. I don't know how to get rid of it. It's just so damn RUDE.

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