2 (Frank's POV)

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I ran down the corridor with Kellin and Pete. All three of us thankfully looking more than presentable, we were late on our first day of being seniors.

How the fuck did we manage to be late on our first day do you ask?

Well, all three of us forgot to set our alarms and we do actually care about appearance, hence why we were half an hour late to our first lessons. We all had separate lessons.

"Bye Frankie, bye Kellin!" Pete called as he shot into his classroom. Kellin soon went to his leaving me late to art.

I turned a corner without looking and bumped into someone. We both fell to the ground groaning.

I stood quickly "I'm so sorry" I said quietly, I hardly talked, especially to strangers. The dude grabbed the hand I offered and stood up as well. He was taller than me which wasn't hard considering I was barely 5".

He had black hair that was rather long, his face softened when he saw me.

"It's okay kid. I was late so kind of ran, not looking where I was going. I'm the new art teacher Mr.Way, um what your-?" He said rather anxiously.

"Frank Iero" I answered and he nodded muttering "Frank, right" I giggled making him smile.

"Wait. Did you say art teacher?" I asked, he nodded hesitantly.

"Um... that's where I'm heading as well" I said quietly.

"Could you lead the way? I have no clue where I'm meant to go..." He said blushing, obviously embarrassed about being late and getting lost on his first day.

I nodded and started walking to art, Mr.Way following.

"So, you look a little young to be a teacher" I started, trying to break the silence. He chuckled and smirked slightly.

"Well I'm 22 years old. Just graduated from SVA in New York and moved here with my brother." He said. His voice had a thick New Jersey accent and his voice was slightly nasally.

I nodded. "Cool well you're the same age as Ray and Bob then" I said, still shy.

He looked at me confused so I explained "Ray Toro is the music teacher along with Bob Bryar. Bob's only 21 but still got the job." I explained and Mr.Way nodded, obviously filing those names away for later.

"How do you know so much about teachers if you don't mind me asking?" said Mr.Way. I shrugged not minding at all, everyone found it weird for me to be friends with teachers.

"They're my friends" I said and his eyebrows both rose in surprise. "Oh, Ray and I went to High school together. He never mentioned he worked here, although I haven't spoken to him a lot to be honest." He said in a rather sad tone, I smiled sympathetically.

"I've known Bob since I was around 12 years old which is 5 years and became friends with Ray a few years back. They were both already friends so met Ray through Bob. Ray taught me guitar at first but then we just stayed friends." I said and Mr.Way hummed whilst nodding his head.

"Wow, didn't know you were allowed to be friends with students" he muttered and I giggled again, god I hate my girly giggle.

"Well you're not but as I said we already knew one another so they couldn't do much about it." I shrugged again and he chuckled.

"Well here we are, why is this school so fucking big" I muttered the last bit but Mr.Way still heard and chuckled with an amused look.

"Well thank you for showing my lost ass here. Oh and don't worry you won't be in trouble for being late" He whispered the last part and winked before entering the classroom, holding the door open for me to enter.

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