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It had been a week since the guys had seen Kellin. After Frank had run out of the room- with Gerard following, Pete had yelled at Kellin whilst Patrick gave the long haired brunette a disappointed look. Kellin had screamed back in his defence before running out of the house. They all knew he was either staying at a motel or at Vic's.

Frank had stayed quiet after that. He barely spoke and seemed lost in his own thoughts most of the time. Of course the only one to get him to smile sincerely was Gerard, who had been Frank's rock. Frank still went dancing though, even without Kellin at the bar he still had Mikey. The rest of the guys were filled in about what had happened, they weren't even shocked at Gerard and Frank for kissing- instead they were happy. Bob even made an inappropriate comment, leading Pete to kick him until he was quiet.

They were shocked about the way Kellin had reacted and Mikey- as he had been working with him and had grown quite close with him- was both confused and angry. He was happy for his brother and even though it wasn't the most appropriate relationship he knew they truly did care for each other. Anything else they did wasn't his business.

Of course none of the guys knew what state Kellin was really in. He'd ignored everyone, even Vic, and had stayed at a motel. He had consumed an alarming amount of alcohol in the time he was away and he welcomed the numbness it brought.


Kellin sat alone at the bar. He was on his seventh shot of whiskey and he had had beer before that. He was friends with the barman so he didn't have to worry about ID. He hated himself for exploding on Frankie like that, he hated seeing Frankie upset and knowing he caused that hurt him- well that's what alcohol was for.

He wishes he could say he was only reacting this way because he was worried about Frankie getting taken advantage of again and hurt but sadly he couldn't. He had been fighting them for so long, spending as much of his time with Vic to get his mind off of it and to trick his own emotions but it didn't work. Nothing worked but the burning nectar he was downing every moment he wasn't passed out.

He was in love with Frankie.

Plain and simple- well, no. Not simple.

How could he not be? He was a beautiful and pure boy and Kellin knew he would not escape the feelings so easily. He felt guilty for thinking that way about one of his closest friends. He couldn't help the way he felt though. He just couldn't.

He reacted badly because he was jealous and he knew he over reacted just a tad but he was hurt and angry at both Frankie and Gerard. Angry at Gerard because he had stolen Frankie's affections and angry at Frankie for not choosing him.

He took another shot.

Someone sat on the stool next to him at the bar. Kellin paid them no attention and gestured to his glass for the barman to refill. He took the shot the moment the glass touched the bar surface. Suddenly a voice spoke up next to him, a familiar voice at that.

"So this is where you've disappeared to." Said a deep voice. Kellin tensed before turning his head slightly to see none other than Andy Biersack. He flashed a smirk at Kellin before he ordered his own drink. When he was served he turned back to Kellin.

"You know your friends have been worried about you. Especially little Frankie." Andy said, sipping his drink. Kellin clenched his eyes shut at the mention of his name. He wasn't nearly as drunk as he wanted to be.

"S-so? What d-do you want Biersack?" Kellin slurred slightly, taking another shot. He hadn't even realised it was refilled. Andy smirked again.

"So what happened that got you so fucked up to drink yourself to death?" He asked curiously. Kellin sighed, wrinkling his nose when he caught a whiff of his own breath. When was the last time he had even brushed his hair? Oh right- a week ago.

"None ya busn'ss." Kellin grunted, his head felt heavy and his eyes burned from exhaustion. He thought about leaving to go back to his room when Andy spoke up again.

"Well it just seems unlike you so something must have happened. I might not know ya that well but I know this is strange. Also I don't like innocent little Frankie looking so sad all the time." Andy shrugged, picking his glass back up and taking another sip.

Kellin snorted, his drunken mind un-filtering his mouth.

"Innocent? Innocent?! HA! W-what a load of shit... He's not innocent at all." Kellin chuckled bitterly and downed his next shot like he was a stranded man in the desert. Andy raised an eyebrow of intrigue at Kellin's words. He knew they weren't just the mumblings of a drunken man.

"What do ya mean?" Andy asked, glancing at Kellin from the corner of his eye.

"W-well for the f'ct he's a f'ckin stripper. Works at Exotica, I tend t-the bar th-there." Kellin said and Andy's mouth hung open at Kellin's confession. Frankie was a stripper?! Oh he had to see this! He smirked at Kellin who was getting off of his stool, paying the barman before he started to walk away.

"See you at school!" Andy said sweetly, ignoring the barman's glare before he downed the rest of his drink. He paid and walked out of the place with a delighted smirk on his face.

He was going to pay little Frankie a visit.


So firstly, sorry for the absence and I hope people haven't given up on this story. I got a suggestion on MCRff.com on how to carry on the story and so this so the route im going.

Yes Kellin is the bad guy now but I hope I can fix that later on because Kellin is bae and yes Andy is back and bad again and no he will stay bad. He gave up on his obsession with Ashley (Sorry again) and there will be MUCH MUCH MUCH more drama to come. Hope you guys are ready ;)


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