16 (Andy's POV)

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I smirked as my eyes danced around the inside of the club. It would look a lot nicer if there wasn't so much smoke. The smell wasn't much better either.

After my little chat with a drunk Kellin, thankfully he won't remember what he said, I decided to go to Exotica and see Frankie dance for myself. I even brought my phone along for my plan.

You see, I was infatuated with Ashley Purdy for a while but once I discovered Frankie's secret he became interesting again. Guess I'm more of an asshole than I thought.

I was sitting in a booth, hidden away in the corner but not so much that I couldn't see the stage. I had to make sure that Ollie guy didn't spot me, he owned the bar. Oh and Mikey too. He knew who I was, he would confront me and I couldn't have that ruining what I had planned.

Finally after almost an hour of waiting I heard the DJ's voice announce- "Next up is the Boy with the Scorpion Tattoo!"

Cheers from all over the club followed the announcement and I sat up straighter, it didn't take a genius to figure that this was Frankie.

The lights dimmed slightly before a spot light focused on the stage. My jaw dropped at the sight of Frankie in tight leather shorts and a bright red tie. I quickly got my phone out of my pocket and started taking pictures, making sure not to look obvious.

I shifted uncomfortably as my pants tightened at the sight of Frankie doing the splits upside down. Wow he had skills.

I checked through my photos on my cell phone and grinned triumphantly. They were perfect.

I waited until the end of the performance before leaving. Didn't want to miss the amazing show after all.

Once Frankie was done dancing I waited. After a while he came from behind the curtains to the side of the stage, dressed in normal clothing. I watched as he made his way to the bar, ordering a drink. Once he stood and made his way to the bathrooms, I stood and followed. Unseen.

I stayed hidden, watching as Frankie washed his hands after doing whatever. As he headed to the door, in my direction, I stepped out from the darkness and infront of him. Blocking his way.

He squeaked in fright, his eyes going wide as he recognised me. He took a step back as I took one forward.

"Aw, aren't you happy to see me? I got into this club just to see your amazing dancing." I practically purred. Frankie's eyes widened even more and fear started to show through them. I smirked, yes I'm a bastard.

"A-Andy, what do y-you want?" Frankie whispered and my smirk grew. Finally, getting down to business.

"I'm not gunna say what I want yet, Frankie baby," He flinched slightly at the nickname and I smiled, "What I will say is this. Don't tell any of your friends about this. Keep that pretty mouth shut and I won't be so harsh with my plans."

"Why should I listen to you? No one would believe you if you told anyone so what's the point of this?" Wow he seemed to get a confidence boost. Can't have that happening, can we?

I took out my phone and selected a photo from his dancing. I turned the phone so he could see it and his eyes began to water. Finally he was getting it.

"You see Frankie? I could destroy everything you have. Including your 'friendship' with Mr Way. Now be good and don't say anything to anyone. Meet me at school Monday at the end of lunch. Bring anyone and you're gunna regret it." I leaned down and kissed his cheek making him flinch, a few tears escaping from his eyes.

"Nod for me, pretty. I need to make sure you understand." I whispered and he nodded his head stiffly. I smirked, ruffling his hair once before exiting the bathroom.

That was fun, but it's only just the beginning.


Yes I'm a horrible human being. I wonder if anyone is still reading this tbh. But here is an update. I've been editing the story slightly to improve the grammar and things like that. Also I've been super busy with college so I hope you forgive me for such late updates. Im not promising that I'll start updating regularly again because I don't know.

Also- even though its like two weeks too late- I would like to say R.I.P David Bowie and Alan Rickman. Just... All I know is that 2016 is not going to be a good year, no matter what happens.

Anyway, enough of the sad shit. Enjoy the drama!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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