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A week later

Who says traveling with kids is easy?!

Because it is not. It's 7 am and we are currently at the airport lounge, we've done all the security checks and are now waiting for our flight, which leaves at 9am. I was sitting on the couch next to Hameed with Kami on his laps while Nadine is sitting at the one opposite us with Malik.

"Mummy, I want to pee." Nadine mentioned.

"Let's go." I said, standing up from the couch.

We headed to the ladies room and she peed. I washed her after she finished, we washed our hands and got back to the lounge.

I am so sleepy, Kamilla and Nadine are with Malik, Hameed is on his phone. I lay my head down on the hand of the couch.

"Your neck is going to hurt if you lay like that." He said, not looking away from his phone.

I sighed and sat up. "I'm so tired. I could use a nap before it's time to go."

He was quite for a while then he tapped his shoulder. I raised a brow, looking at him, perplexed.

He also raised a brow. "Lean on."


I leaned on, laying my head on his shoulder as he suggested.

"Not comfy enough, but oh well." I murmured.

"I heard that. And I'm not your pillow, I'm not supposed to be comfy."

I chuckled, sighed and closed my eyes.

"Don't sleep on me, lady."

"Too late, you shouldn't have offered me your shoulder if you didn't want me to sleep on you." I adjusted my head, making it more comfy. "Much better."

He chuckled and put his free arm over my head, he kept it on the head of the couch. I closed my eyes and rested for a while. It is almost time for departure so I decided to change meela's diaper. I did that in the bathroom and came out just in time for boarding.

We boarded and looked for our seats. Hameed and I are in 2 while Malik and Nadine are in the other row, a seat adjacent to ours. After putting meela's baby bag in the overhead bin, we settled down.

Meela started making fusses. I silenced her with her pacifier. The captain made his usual saying we are landing in London Heathrow at 14:40. After a while, we took off.

It's been three hours since we took off. Meela was asleep in my arms, I'm so numb. I switched her to my left arm and stretched my right arm.

Hameed was on his laptop doing some work while I recited the Quran and now going through the tv for something to watch.

"Hameed, can you take her please, I'm going to the restroom."

I gently dropped kamilla in his arms and scurried out of my seat to the nearest rest room in the business class.

I did my business and came out, on the way to my seat, I stopped to check up on my baby girl. She was fast asleep and Malik was watching on the screen. I went back to my seat to find Kami awake.

Oh God, what have you done dear husband. She smiled as she saw me. I smiled back. "Hi baby, why did you wake up?"

I collected her and fed her. Hameed was no longer using his laptop, he was playing with meela.


We landed an hour ago, we went through immigration and claimed our baggage and did all the things needed to be done. Kamilla is strapped up in her push chair. We walked out to the parking lot in terminal five.

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