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Hamdan khathiran dayyiban Mubarakan feey 😇

Hameed's Pov.

I've been in my office staring at blank space for almost an hour now. I have been thinking of what happened between Baba and I earlier this week. I was back from the masjid after isha prayer when he summoned me to his living room.

"Have a seat AbdulHameed." He motioned for me a seat across from him. I sat on the soft rug and leaned my back on the couch.

"Baba, Barka da dare." I greeted.

"Barka kadai, ya aiki?"

I replied him. He asked of Nadine and I told him that she was at her Aunt's house. He cleared his throat and scratched his beard.

"Abdulhameed, don't you think it's high time for you to move on? I know loosing Amal has taken a toll on you, on all of us. But you need to move on, son. Maryam needs a mother figure in her life, I know she has a lot of mother's in her corner but she needs a mother from you. So, do you have anyone in mind?"

I sighed deeply. "I agree with you Baba. No, I don't have anyone in mind."

Honestly, I do not agree, I do not wish to marry again but I can tell from Baba's face he really wants this and he has been bugging me about it for months now.

He nodded. "Okay then, because I do have someone."

"Who is it, Baba?" I asked, curious to know who the girl my father wishes for me to marry is.

"Architect Bashir Daura's Daughter. Aisha."

I only nodded.

"Please AbdulHameed, I know you're only agreeing because it is I who asked. I know you, and I know you do not wish to marry again but I assure you, Aisha is a very wonderful girl and I know she will be a good wife and mother to your daughter. She could be Maryam's cure for motherlessness. I know she cannot replace Amal  for both you and your child, but she can ease the pain inshallah."

After a long advice from him. He said. "Please, go and meet her tomorrow."

I couldn't utter a word, so I simply nodded.

"May Allah bless and protect you, my son."


So that was what happened. And today I'm going to go and meet her as agreed. Baba said her name is Aisha. I sighed and stood up from the chair, picked up my car keys and left the office. I arrived home after a while and went in to greet Mama. I met Nadia and Simran In the living room watching E!

"Ya Hameed, how far!" Said simran with a smile while Nadia just scoffed and look back at the tv.

I shook my head and sat next to simran. "Nothing much little sis. Just tired of work"

"Eyyah sorry! When is princess coming back ne? I miss her so much." She asked of Nadine.

"I was actually going to get her now, do you wanna come?"

She nodded. "Yes please! Let me go and get ready"

She returned back in no time dressed up neatly and beautifully. She smiled. "Let's go, brother."

I stood up and we went outside to the parking lot. We entered the car and zoomed out of the house.

We went to Amal's Sister's house and picked up Nadine. I dropped them at home before getting dressed to go meet my soon to be bride. I called Fareeda and told her that I was going to the girls house today.

"Ya Hameed?" She called.


"Please be nice to her. I know the girl too was probably forced into this marriage and I know she won't be that bad. So please don't be rude to her"

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