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Ramadan Mubarak lovelies 🩵

Aisha's pov.🦋

Over the past few months, I graduated with a first class in Architecture, Alhamdulillah. I am in my second trimester, 18 weeks, that is five months. My bump is barely showing but mostly because I'm always wearing boubous. Only few people know about my pregnancy. My best friend, my siblings and my in laws. And my mama and my mother In Law. Ya Fareeda was the one that broke the news to Maami, her mom.

It's currently the holy month of Ramadan day 12. And Alhamdulillah everything is going on smoothly, we do our ibadah respectively. Abu Nadine and I have gotten closer these past few months, we talk about our days and even random things.

Earlier during the week, he went to dunes for a meeting when he saw Ya Ruqaiya from afar. When he came home he asks. "What were you doing in dunes today?"

"Huh?" I asked dumbly. "I did not go to dunes today"

"Really? I saw someone who looks exactly like you, or are you a twin?"

I chuckled. "Maybe you saw my sister Ruqaiya , we look very much alike"


"Happy birthday Mey ciki." Yasmeena sing-sang, coming into Maami's living room.

I rolled my eyes. "Yasmeena you're glowing, are you sure we are not twining?."

She chuckled. "If I were pregnant, The whole world would've known by now. I would be rubbing my flat stomach right from the beginning."

We laughed. "That sounds like something you would do." Said ya Farida, coming into the living room.

So, today is my birthday, yes. Turned twenty-four today. My sister in-law, Yasmeen decided to organize an iftaar for my birthday. She invited Aziza, Ya Ruqaiya , Shukriya and Iman. Nasma has gone to Lagos to spend the holidays with ya Imran and his family. While jawad decided not to come, as usual.

It's almost time for iftaar, at least two hours left. Aziza, Iman and Shuks arrived ten minutes ago.

"Happy birthday Ayush." Said Ya Ruqaiya, sitting down on the single couch.

"Thank you ya ruks, where are my babies?"

"I've left them at home with their father, I needed a night off." She said with a sigh. "How are you? Hope you're eating well?"

I nodded. "Can't you see how fat I've gotten?"

It was already time for iftaar, the men have gone to the masjid right outside the house, while the ladies prayed inside.

We were in the second living room downstairs when the men came in with a salam. We all replied in unison.

"Okay, lets all move to the main dining room." Said yasmeena.

We all stood up and followed suit, Aziza right beside me. We entered the huge dining room with a big dining table situated in the middle of the room. The room is mainly used when baba has business meeting dinner, daurin aure or any other family function.

We all took our seats, Hameed sat by my right while Simran by my left. They're 20 people all together, Yasmeena wanted the whole seats to be occupied so she invited two of her cousins And two of Hameed's friends Kamal and Faisal.

Baba and Maami came in and sat down on their seats. "Aisha?" Baba called. I raised my head up and looked at my father in law, smiling.

"Na'am?." I answered

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