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Aisha's POV

School is hard but not as hard as life without your degree...I just have to keep telling myself that. And as for Architecture, it is the learned game correct and magnificent of forms assembled in the light.

I am currently in Baba's study at home doing my statistics assignment. I just can't seem to get it really. And with the distraction out there, not so helping!

Today being Saturday, My sister and brother are here with their kids, the house is so noisy. My brother Imran arrived from Lagos yesterday with his wife and two adorable four years old twins, Nina and Sira. My sister, Ruqaiya came too with her three kids, the oldest is Afreen who is six, Lujain who is three and marwan who is 11 months old.

I sighed and ran my hand down my face and groaned. Ya Allah..

I packed the books and kept them on one side before leaving the study. I walked lazily dragging my feet to the living room and slumped down on the couch next to Mama. Shukriya and Ya Ruqaiya are sitting on the opposite couch.

"Aisha, are you done with the assignment?" Mama asked.

I shook my head. "No Mama, I'll continue later inshallah. I can't think straight with all this noise"

"Gaskiya, you should leave it till the noise subsides." She said, smiling.

Just then Hamida, who is Ya Imran's wife and also our cousin came in. She was out with batoul to H-medix.

"Ya Iman did you get me the gum?" Shukriya asked. Shukriya calls Iman 'ya' only when she wants something. Oh sweet typical shuks.

"Sorry shuks, Wallahi I forgot." Said Iman. Shukriya just nodded and smiled. You see that's why I like her, she didn't even make a fuss about it. If it were Iman or jawad or Nasma, we would never hear the end of it.

Ya Ruqaiya and Ya Hamida left the living room, they mentioned something about needing to talk about something.

"Nasmaa!!" Mama shouted, calling her baby. She probably didn't hear her since she's busy with her phone.

"Mama, she won't hear you fah." Said Iman who was holding baby Marwan.

Nasma, our last born came running towards the stairs. "Nasma, Mama is calling you" I said.

"Okay. I'm coming, I want to drink water"

She drank her water and came "Mama I'm here, what will you give me?" She asked smiling cheekily.

Mama pinched her cheek. "Go and get your drugs, it's time to take them"

With that she ran out of the living room and went upstairs to get her drugs. She's currently suffering from cough and fever. But she still has the energy to run up and down.

It's almost Isha, Ya Ruqaiya has left already. Ya Hamida is getting ready to go too. "Sira!! Put on your shoes right now." She said to her daughter.

"Yesssh shira, put on your shoes" Nina imitated her mom.

I was just looking at the trio, they're always fun to watch. Ya Hamida is a young mother, she's mates with Ya Hafiz.

"Mommy kina ga Nina" Sira said in what's supposed to be hausa, in her very funny accent.

"Don't mind her, now let's go and say goodnight to grandma and Aunties" Ya Hamida said taking both their little hands and dragged them to the living room.

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