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It's been two months since my wedding to Hameed. And Mashallah everything's going on so well, I've met the rest of his family and they are all exceptionally good people. Mine and Nadine's relationship has grown in a span of those two months. I love that cute little girl with all my heart.

And as for Hameed, he really is keeping his distance. I see him only once or twice a day, sometimes I don't even. We only meet in the night or in the morning before he leaves for work, Or in the night during dinner.

I just had my shower, I got dressed in a beautiful red embellished Julius sewn into a straight gown. I applied a little makeup on my face, tied my head tie, picked my gold Dune handbag and matching shoes. I went down after spritzing myself with a Burberry perfume.

In case you're wondering where I'm headed to, I am going to my friend, Hafsa's wedding kamu.I asked Hameed earlier before he left for work if I could go with Nadine, since she's on a school break.

"Sure, are you not her mother.." He said.

I smiled and nodded. "Thank you"

I met my little princess in the living with Cami. She's dressed up in her beautiful nude flower lace embroidery long sleeve dress.

"You look pretty Maama." She said as I entered the room.

"Thank you baby, you look beautiful" I said, as I bent down and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you Maama" She squealed.

"Let's get going, we don't wanna be late for the wedding" I said and we went out.

We entered the car and headed to the event venue. We shortly arrived with Nadine filling our ears with her surutu.

"Aisha Bashir Daura!!!" I heard someone screaming my name.

I turned and saw Fatima Usman, my secondary school friend. I smiled and hugged her "Fatima, kwana dayawa!"

She hugged me back. "It's been long..since Maryam Wali's wedding. I heard you got married, ko ayi inviting dinmu...kin kyauta Aisha."

Not again...

"Wallahi Fatima it's not like that. It happened so fast."

"It's okay, Aisha. Allah ya bada zaman Lafiya." She said and turned to Nadine who clutched my gown tightly. "And who is this cutie?" She cooed

Nadine looked at her with her doe eyes and smiled sweetly "Nadine" she replied.

"Hello Nadine, how are you?" Fatima asked her and she replied.

Fatima and I were talking when Nadine talked "Maama, can we go and sit please?"

I smiled down at her. "Sure sweetie, lets go"

We found empty seats on a table at the middle and sat down. The event was going on smoothly, they brought snacks to our table like three minutes ago.

"Baby, what would you like to eat?" I asked Nadine. "Samosa? Kebab? Cupcake? Or pizza?"

"Uhmm, Maama the cupcake is pretty" she replied.

I chuckled. "Okay, you can have the cupcake"

It's past Maghreb, we are back home. I went straight to my room and prayed, came out to the living room where I met his sister Yasmeena and baby Nadine.

"Aunty Yas, when did you get here?" I asked sitting next to her.

"Mummy Nadine, just now fa. I'm coming from the hospital" She replied.

"Hospital? Are you ill?"

"No, I went to check up on a friend. She gave birth." She said and I nodded.

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