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Aisha's POV

"Ayusha! Ayusha!" I hear mama calling me.

"Na'am mama?." I answered, zipping up my blouse. I just finished feeding meela. She takes 12 to 30 ounces of breast milk and 10 to 20 ounces of formula each day.

"Your husband is here." She said and left the door.

I've been at my parents house for almost two months now. I'll be going back to my husband's house today inshallah. My things have already been taken back to the house earlier today.

Kamilla is six weeks old, Mashallah. She's the most perfect little human. She's got the most adorable smile ever.

I adjusted my turban, picked meela up and left the room, I entered Baba's living room where Hameed is. "Salamu Alaikum."

"Wa alaikum salam." He replied my salam.

I walked to the two seater couch he is sitting in and sat next to him. "Ina wuni."

"Lafiya Alhamdulillah, how are you and baby Hauwa?"

"We are both fine, Alhamdulillah."

"Mashallah. May I?" He said, reaching for our daughter.

I smiled. "Sure."

I handed kamilla over to him. "Mashallah, my beautiful baby." He whispered, kissing her tiny forehead. I smiled at the view in front of me, I'm in awe.

"She's getting bigger Mashallah." He said, smiling.

I smiled back. "Yes she, is. Mashallah."

After a a minute of silence, I asked. "When's Nadine coming back from kaduna?"

He cleared his throat. "Next weekend inshallah."

"Allah ya kaimu."

"Ameen. Are you ready?"

I nodded. "Yeah, i am. Let me go and tell mama."

I left the living room to go and look for mama. I found her in the kitchen. "Mama, we are leaving."

"So soon?'' She asked.

I nodded. ''Hameed has a late night meeting.''

"Toh, I'm coming." Said mama. I left the kitchen and went upstairs to get the last bags.

"Jawad! Jawad!." I called my brother.

He came out of Iman's room. "What's up?."

Iman has gone out with her friends. Shukriya is at school. "Help me take these down please." I said, motioning the bags.

"Okay, where's baby meela?" He asked, picking up the middle sized suitcase.

"She's downstairs with her father."

I picked up kamilla's baby bag and went downstairs. I met Hameed with Mama and Nasma in the living room.

"Ina wuni." Jawad greeted Hameed, shaking his hand.

"Lafiya Jawad, how are you?" He replies.

"Fine Alhamdulillah."

"Ya Ayush please don't leave." Nasma begged.

"You can always come visit, Nasma." I smiled at her.

She nodded. "Okay."

Hameed cleared his throat. "Ready?"

"Yes." I walked to him and picked up Kamilla.

We bid mama Goodbye and left. Baba has traveled to katsina for a family friends funeral.

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